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A good meal for a long trip are noodles, boiled eggs, Sandwiches and clams or blood clams.

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Q: What are good foods to eat on a long car trip if you get sick easily?
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Yes long as you dont get hurt or sick

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to get sick? A lot; a guess.

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light foods are best - popcorn, banana chips - you don't want to get sick from all the running/jumping. drink moderate amount of water.

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A substances that make you sick?

There are an unlimited number of substances that will make you sick. Molds and spoiled foods will make you sick for example.

How long do hammpsters live?

Well hammpsters become sick VERY easily. They suprisingly get CANCER VERY EASILY!!! But if your looking into getting a healthy hampster they will live for atleast 2 or 3 years to the max. BTW they get tumars easily.... :/

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