

What are gray whales used for?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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They were used for producing Whale Oil. Gray Whales have been hunted since the 16th century. Humans have been whaling gray whale species for over 4 decades now. This hunting has significantly reduced the gray whale populations. The north atlantic population of gray whales were totally wiped out due to whaling even before the 19th century. Around 1950, governments worldwide declared the gray whale as an endangered species and banned whaling them

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No. Killer whales eat gray whales.

Do gray whales hunt together?

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What is the population of gray whales?

Their population number is between 18,000 and 30,000 Gray Whales.

What prey on a gray whale?

Only Killer Whales (Orcas) prey on gray whales.

How many gray whales are killed by the US?

No gray whales are killed. Indigenous communities in Alaska kill 50 bowhead whales a year.

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Gray whales - like all whales - are warm blooded.

What kind of whales have no teeth?

THE TOOTHLESS WHALES: blue whales, finback whales, right whales, sei whales, humpback whales, and gray whales. THE TOOTHED WHALES: white beluga whales, black beluga whales (pilot whales), orcas (killer whales), sperm whales.

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umm....tough one but blue whales are unharmful and gray whales are very harmful for example 'the killer whale"...

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Killer Whales (Orcas), Large Sharks, and Humans are the Gray Whales only natural predators

How long do gray whales stay underwater?

Adult gray whales can stay underwater for approximately 10 - 15 minutes.

Do gray whales have baleen?

Gray whales are baleen whales. The Sperm whale is the only really big toothed whale.