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Antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight the infection. If the antibodies are present in the blood, then you know you have the particular infection.

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Q: What are herpes antibodies?
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How do you treat herpes antibody?

It's not something you can treat. The antibodies are the reaction of your immune system to the herpes infection. The herpes virus however, will never leave the body because it hides in the nerves, where the immune system can not atttack it. Once herpes, always herpes unfortunately

Is herpes a serious disease?

The initial outbreak of herpes is usually the most severe. A patient who has never had genital herpes or cold sores typically has the worst initial outbreak. A history of other herpes infections may make the initial outbreak less severe, as the body already has related antibodies. These patients may be more likely to have genital herpes without knowing it. As time goes on, outbreaks typically become less severe.

Can a baby be born with herpes?

If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus. It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

Where does herpesvirus reproduce?

It all depends on the type of herpes virus. There are at least 25 viruses in the family. Once a patient has become infected by a herpes virus, the infection remains for life. By middle age most people are have antibodies for most types. Depending on which virus, they reproduce in mucus/epithelial membranes or T-lymphocytes or B-lymphocytes.

Should you get a flu shot when you have bell's palsy?

It won't hurt; the flu vaccine is non-virulent and won't lower your immune system while it makes antibodies to the influenza virus. It will still be able to fight off the Bell's Palsy virus (herpes).

If you 've already had a herpes outbreak and it healed wouldn't you have enough antibodies made to detect the igg specific antibodies in your blood?

That's a really smart question. Unfortunately the herpes virus is also smart! The fact that the symptoms have cleared up does not mean that the body's immune system has outwitted it. Instead, the virus causes symptoms initially and then enters a latent phase, where it is present, but not active. This means that it can flare up again in the future, causing symptoms again, and can also be passed on even if you are symptom free. Sneaky, huh?

What does the human immune system produced that is the basis for immunization?


What do vaccines stimulate production of?

Vaccines stimulate production of antibodies.

Is myasthenia gravis caused by herpes?

Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular system that is characterized by high plasma levels of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies, which invoke an immune response against these receptors. Production of these antibodies are caused by molecular mimicry of a self antigen. T-helper cells, a type of immune system cells, can come across antigen presenting cells that display an antigen that is similar, in sequence, to AChR's. The T-helper cells are activated in this manner and can cause an immune response (antibody production) against AChR's. In essence, the Herpes virus is known to have a similar sequence to AChR's, therefore, the existance of the Herpes virus increases the risk of Myasthenia Gravis development.

Antibodies found in blood type A positive?

primarily B antibodies and Rh antibodies

Can you get herpes from kissing a girl's but cheeks?

Herpes can be on your cheek.

Do T-cells make antibodies?

No they do not. B cells synthesize the antibodies.