

What are homo sapien sapien known for?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are homo sapien sapien known for?
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the answer is homo sapien

What would a Homo Homo sapien sapien be?

A thinking thinking human

When did homo sapien sapien vanish?

They didn't. We are Homo sapiens sapiens.

What we're the first humans called?

The first humans were called Australopithecus afferensis, then homo-habilis, homo-erectus, homo-sapien neanderthalensis, and the homo-sapien sapien.

What is homo sapien sapien?

Wise Man

What is the correct order in which early humans appeared?

Ardipithecus Ramidus, Australopithecus Ramidus, Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy), Australopithecus Afracanus, Australopithecus Robustus/Homo Habilis, Homo-Erectus, Homo-Ergaster, Homo-Sapien, Homo-Sapien Neanderthal, Homo-Sapien Sapien.

What were the steps to create humans?

Australopithecus to homo habilis to homo erectus to Neanderthal to homo sapiens to us or better known as homo sapien sapiens

In what order did the homo sapiens homo habilus homo erectus and neanthatdratal live?

homo habiles first then homo erectus then homo sapien neanderthalensis then the homo sapien sapiens

The species of hominid living in the present day is?

Out taxon is Homo Sapien Sapien, most people just say homo sapien

What where early humans called?

The first humans were called Australopithecus afferensis, then homo-habilis, homo-erectus, homo-sapien neanderthalensis, and the homo-sapien sapien.

What kind of species is a homo sapien?

A Homo sapien is a human and a human is the only species in the human life.