

What are interesting facts about nitrogen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere.

It makes all life, just like carbon.

Its atomic number is 7

Its Atomic Mass is 14

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What Are some Interesting Facts About Nitrogen?

5 interesting facts on nitrogen-1. It makes up 78% of the Earths atmosphere but only 3% of Mars atmosphere2. The total mass of nitrogen in an average 70kg human is 1.8kg3. The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually nitrogen gas bubbles popping4. It is responsible for the orange-red, blue-green, blue-violet, and deep violet colours of the aurora5. it is an ingredient in laughing gasIt's a diatomic molecule, so it only exists naturally as N2.Air is approximately 79% nitrogen gas.Nitrogen is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and inert.The melting point of Nitrogen is -210 degrees Celsius, so liquid nitrogen is very fun to play with. You can submerge a flower in it for a few seconds, take it out, and shatter the flower as if it were made of glass.

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