

Best Answer
  • Muslims believe in one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.
Christians believe that God is ONE but manifests in three persons who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus is one of the greatest prophets and messengers.
Christians believe that Jesus is God or son of God.
  • Muslims believe in all prophets including prophets Muhammad and Jesus.
Christians do not believe in Prophet Muhammad.
  • Muslims believe in all God holy books including Quran and The Bible, but they do not accept the authority of the Bible.
Christians do not believe in the Quran as inspired scripture.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified and just his likeness was thrown by God on another one who was crucified.
Christians believe that Jesus was crucified as described in the Bible.
  • Muslims believe that every one is responsible for his deeds (good or sinful) in front of God in the Day of Judgment and that those made net good deeds will be rewarded, by God mercy, with entering the Paradise while those who made net bad deeds, unless forgiven by God, will be punished by being pushed in Hell fire.
Christians believe that all men and women are responsible for their sins and all deserve eternal damnation. Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for some to enter heaven through Jesus love and not based on their own merit.Christians believe that Jesus is the savior
  • Muslims call Christians (and Jews) as people of the book as they are holders of God holy books the Bible and the Torah

Christians call Muslims unbelievers as they don't believe that Jesus is God or son of God.

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11y ago

There is no concept of Baptism in Islam. To convert to Islam one just needs to believe that God is one and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of the God. Of course, after one starts to believe this he will need to follow what God have ordered.

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8y ago

Answer 1

They share many common beliefs and values. While they do have different ways of expressing their faith, sincere followers of both religions believe in doing good works.

Some main differences are:

  • Islam is God religion per Qur'an God revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

Christianity is God's religion according to the revelations throughout the Bible.

  • Qur'an contains Allah's revelations delivered to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril).

The Gospels contain Jesus' own teachings as most Christians believe he is the second person in the Trinity. This contrasts to Islam where the

  • Muslims believe in one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. Qur'an says (Meaning english translation): "Say: He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him."

Some Christians believe that God is ONE but manifests in three persons who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For Christians, God is ONE but manifests in three persons who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Muslims consider this close to blasphemy and insist that God is one. For Christians Jesus is the Son of God and is both completely human and completely God. Muslims believe that Jesus is a God prophet and that to consider him God is to blaspheme.

  • Muslims believe that Jesus is one of the greatest prophets and messengers.

Some Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God; some others believe that Jesus is himself divine. Some other Christians believe he is human and neither God nor son of God.

  • Muslims believe in all prophets including prophet Muhammad and Jesus.

Christians do not believe in the Prophet Muhammad.

  • Muslims believe in all God holy books including Quran and the Bible, but they do not accept the authority of the Bible.

Christians do not believe in the Quran as inspired scripture.

  • Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified and just his likeness was thrown by God on another one who was crucified.

Christians believe that Jesus was crucified as described in the Bible.

  • Muslims believe that every one is responsible for his deeds (good or sinful) in front of God in the Day of Judgment and that those made net good deeds will be rewarded, by God mercy, with entering the Paradise while those who made net bad deeds, unless forgiven by God, will be punished by being pushed in Hell fire.

Christians believe that all men and women are responsible for their sins and all deserve eternal damnation. Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for some to enter heaven through God's mercy, and not based on their own merit.

  • Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is God's chosen prophet.

Christians believe that Jesus is the savior.

Answer 2

There are many many differences but space permits me to outline just a few.

Islam is a religion that worships Allah or the God of Abraham (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) who revealed Qur'an to the prophet whom they regard as their spiritual leader, prophet, and messenger. Though on the whole preaching love and respect for God, Mohammed also preached exclusivity for the Muslims - that no Muslims should befriend a Jew or Christian. Muslims regard Moses, Elijah and Jesus as prophets. Like Jews, Muslims believe in salvation by adherence to and by living by a set of rules such as praying several times a day, male circumcision, not eating certain foods such as pork, and other teachings and rules e.g. in the way they conduct themselves, how they dress and the role of women in society.

Christianity is a religion that also worships the God of Abraham, but Christians believe that Jesus is not simply a prophet but the manifestation of God himself in human form. This is based on Jesus' own claims, his miracles, the prophesies about him and his resurrection from the dead - a great difference between Mohammed and Jesus is that Muslims admit that Mohammed died, but Christians believe that Jesus' death was a turning point in history where he saved all humanity, not just Christians, from their sins, and through his subsequent resurrection saved everyone who turns to him. Therefore, to the Christian, salvation comes not from a set of rules but by God's grace alone. Thus, Christians are free to eat what they like, and dress in the manner that they find most comfortable, as they believe what is in the heart is far more important than any outward sign of pious religion. They undergo no circumcision and regard all people created equal in God's sight - both Jew and Moslem, male and female. They are commanded by Jesus to love enemies and befriend and love those of all faiths and none.

Answer 3 (a hint on answer 2 above):

The saying in Answer 2 above that: "no Muslim should befriend a Jew or Christian" is false and not correct. Qur'an says (meaning English translation):

" God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers." (Quran, chapter 60/ verse 8).

Answer 4 (Islamic point of view)

Muslims believe that Islam is not a new religion , but a final restatement of the original revelation that has been conveyed to humanity by messengers and prophets sent by God. They believe that the original, unchanged revelations given to Abraham and other prophets (like Moses) reaching back to Adam all came from the One True God(The Creator). This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values

However, over time the teachings of the various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man ideas. Muslims regard Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger of God and regard him as a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael.

As Muslims believe that God promised that since Muhammad is regarded by them as the last of the series of the Prophets and Messengers and since they regard the Holy Qur'an is His last Book of Guidance to humanity, He Himself will guard it from any changes or corruptions till the Day of Judgment. This is why this last Revelation which was sent 1423 years ago has remained unchanged, not even a word or a letter has been altered.

Islam teaches us that we must pray directly to God without an intermediary and no soul can bear the burden of another and that the nature of humanity is good, and we did not inherit sin from Adam. Each soul comes into being free of sin.

The oneness and universality of God's message requires that people accept all the messengers of God. Rejecting one of them amounts to rejecting them all. The Jews reject Jesus mission and Muhammad's mission; some Christians reject Muhammad's mission; whereas Muslims accept them all (but reject the the divinity of Christ), reject incorrect historical interpretations and human elements in these missions.

Answer 5

1. Christians have the same God who revealed to Abraham, Moses and other Jewish prophets as JEHOVAH. Islam has Allah as God and has never revealed as Jehovah or as Father as Jesus taught.

2. In Christianity, Jesus came and died for sinners as prophesied by the Jewish prophets. In Islam, Jesus did not die but taken to heaven.

3. Love your enemies is the Christian teaching. Islam does not teach to love non-Muslims.

4. Christianity has a savior Jesus Christ who saves them from sins and hell punishment. Islam does not have a savior but has only messengers who died just like regular humans.

5. Marrying another person while your spouse is living is adultery according to Christian teaching. Islam does not consider this as a sin (following Muhammad's example).

6. Christianity offers a heaven with the presence of Lord Jesus. Islam offers a heaven with milk, vine and virgins.

7. Jesus is the Son of God in Christianity as revealed in OT. Jesus is just a messenger in Islam even though Jesus is unique in Quran.

8. Christianity found in the New Testament has no rituals. Islam has a lot of rituals including reciting in Arabic you do not understand and kissing the black stone at Kaaba.

9. Christians are called children of God. Muslims are the slaves of Allah.

10. Christians worship God in spirit and no directional worship. Muslims worship Allah by turning towards Kaaba in Mecca.

11. New Testament teaches Jesus is the only way to heaven. Quran teaches good Christians, Jews, Sabience will also go to heaven.

12. Salvation is guaranteed in Christianity since Jesus died to save them. No guaranty for salvation in Islam.

13. Do not kill is the teaching of Christianity as Jesus or His disciples did not kill anyone. Killing is allowed in Islam as Muhammad and his followers killed many.

14. Salvation in Christianity is based on what God did through His Son Jesus who was punished for others sins. Salvation in Islam is based on human efforts.

15. Christian Scripture teaches not to fight. Islamic scripture teaches to fight and Allah loves those who fight for Allah (Quran 61:4)

16. Christian Scripture teaches God as Righteous. Islamic scripture teaches Allah as a Deceiver ( best of Deceivers - Quran 3:54, 8:30)

17. There is no consequence if a Christian leaves faith (except hell). Will be killed if a Muslims leaves faith ( No compulsion in religion is an abrogated verse).

18. Christian Scripture does not change its message. Islamic scripture changes its message through what is called abrogation with a new message (Many times in Quran old revelations were replaced by new ones, Quranic messages were abrogated by Muhammad and such)

19. Christian Scripture came through EIGHT different people. Islamic scripture came through just ONE person.

20. Christianity teaches that only those whose name is not written in the Book of Life will be in hell. Islam teaches that even all Muslims will have to go to hell (Quran 19:71).

Answer 6 (comments on Answer 5 above by one to one correspondence)

  1. Allah (God in English) is same God in Christianity and Judaism. In Arabic versions of the Bible God is written as Allah,
  2. It is true that in Islam Jesus was bodily raised to the Heavens and that his likeness was thrown on the one who betrayed Jesus; by miracle of God; and he was crucified in place of Jesus.
  3. Love your enemies is a slogan that never practically applied. Refer to the WW1, WW2, wars in North and in south America, wars in Vietnam, wars of the Crusades, wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and wars in the Middle East.
  4. All God prophets are human including Jesus (Peace be upon him). This the Muslims belief. Your good deeds and the God mercy are your savior not Jesus peace be upon him.
  5. Polygamy was allowed before Islam even for prophets. Refer to the marriages of Solomon, David, Jacob,.... and many Romans and others. Jesus is the only prophet who didn't marry. Islam limited the allowed marriages to four.
  6. No one can know what is the Heaven. All what is mentioned about the Heaven in Quran is just for illustrations and not physically the same. It is mentioned in Quran that what is the Heaven never seen by eyes, never heard by ears, and never even thought of by heart.
  7. Jesus never said that he is Son of God. Even some Christians they do believe that He is a prophet and not son of God.
  8. Does it mean that Christians have no rituals? Kissing the black stone is not ritual worship and is not obligatory. However, kissing the black stones has special reasons. Don't Christians kiss the Cross that is a human made?
  9. God has neither children nor sons not companions. we are all bondmen and bondwomen to God; including prophets; but not slaves. Quran says for example (15:3) " The descendants of those whom We boarded along with Nooh; he was indeed a grateful bondman."
  10. Turning to Kaaba is only during praying to God.
  11. Jesus called also his followers that to go to the Heavens they should worship God as the one and only one God with no partner and no son.
  12. Obedience to God is manifested through following God commands. Only those Christians, Muslims, Jews, ... who worship God with no partners and do Good deeds will be Accepted in God Heavens with God mercy.
  13. Killing is not allowed in all religions including Islam. It is allowed in Islam only in defense when Muslims are attacked or driven away from their homes by others.
  14. Answered under 12
  15. Are you sure Christians never fight and never fought?
  16. Deceiver in Quran is mentioned in Arabic that has another understanding in Arabic language. As we say God hand is with you. It doesn't mean that God has hands.
  17. It is not true that in Islam teachings to kill who converts out of Islam. What is your proof that no compulsion in religion is abrogated?
  18. Abrogation was done only by God but once Quran revelation completed there was no abrogation. Quran was revealed over 23 years and required impose its teachings gradually to suit people capacities. Would you explain why there are different Bible text versions?
  19. It is logic that Quran God revelation to be to prophet Muhammad only. The same way Bible revelation was to Jesus only. Torah revelation was to Moses only.
  20. It is not enough to be a Muslim or Christian or else to be accepted the Heavens. You must be true believer in God oneness with no partner and no son and follow God commands to be accepted in God Heavens per God mercy and forgiveness.

Answer 7

Muslims believe in one god who they call Allah in Arabic (He is the same God in Christianity and Judaism). They believe in all previous God Prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Sulaiman, John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was not crucified but ascended to Heaven and will return again nearing Doomsday. Christians however believe that Jesus is son of God and some even worship him as God. Christians even have idols of Mary and Jesus and idol worship was not in Christianity. The Bible also appears to have been changed and altered so many times and there are so many versions of the Bible. Jews and Christians are mentioned as people of the Book, and those closer to the Muslims are the Christians as mentioned in the Quran

  • Muslims believe that God is One while most Christians believe that God is three persons in one.
  • Muslims believe that Muhammad is God's prophet and messenger while Christians don't believe Muhammad is God's prophet or messenger.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) is God's prophet and messenger while most Christians believe that Jesus is God and the Savior of humanity.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus was lifted bodily to the heavens by God's miracle and was not crucified while Christians believe that Jesus was crucified.
  • Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were forgiven by God (the Creator) while many Christians believe in the concept of original sin and its transfer to all generations.
  • Muslims believe that every one is responsible of his deeds in front of God in the Last Day of Judgment while Christians believe that the Christ will save them from their sins.
  • Muslims believe in the Torah, Bible and the Qur'an as God's holy books (in addition to other holy scriptures revealed to Abraham, David, and other prophets) while Christians believe in the Torah and the Bible only and don't believe in the Qur'an.
  • Muslims weekly religious holiday is Friday and is allowed to work on Fridays, per their choice, while Christians have Sunday as their weekly religious holiday and they are not recommended to work on Sundays.
  • Muslims don't believe that God took rest on the 7th day after universe creation in 6 days (as God creation of anything is by just 'be' then 'it is' and God never feel tired) while Christians believe that on the 7th day, after universe creation in 6 days, God took rest.

    It is to be highlighted that both religions are different only in some faith issues that are regarding the relationship between yourself and your God. This is a matter to be resolved by God on the Day of Judgment. However, both religions are quite similar in all issues regarding relationships among all people. In reality, there are no differences between the two religions regarding the way that people of different religions should treat each other and deal with each other. This, logically and spiritually, calls all people to live together in love, peace, and harmony regardless their different religions or beliefs.

  • Muslims believe in one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

Christians believe that God is ONE but manifests in three persons who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Muslims believe that Jesus is one of the greatest prophets and messengers.

Christians believe that Jesus is God or son of God.

  • Muslims believe in all prophets including prophets Muhammad and Jesus.

Christians do not believe in Prophet Muhammad.

  • Muslims believe in all God holy books including Quran and the Bible, but they do not accept the authority of the Bible.

Christians do not believe in the Quran as inspired scripture.

  • Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified and just his likeness was thrown by God on another one who was crucified.

Christians believe that Jesus was crucified as described in the Bible.

  • Muslims believe that every one is responsible for his deeds (good or sinful) in front of God in the Day of Judgment and that those made net good deeds will be rewarded, by God mercy, with entering the Paradise while those who made net bad deeds, unless forgiven by God, will be punished by being pushed in Hell fire.

Christians believe that all men and women are responsible for their sins and all deserve eternal damnation. Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for some to enter heaven through Jesus love and not based on their own merit. Christians believe that Jesus is the savior

  • Muslims call Christians (and Jews) as people of the book as they are holders of God holy books the Bible and the Torah. Christians call Muslims unbelievers as they don't believe that Jesus is God or son of God.
  • in Islam there is only one God. not be born, not born. no son, no child, no equity.God is unique.

Quran says in chapter 112 (meaning English translation):

"1 Say: He is Allah, the One; 2 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; 3 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; 4 And there is none like unto Him."

  • In Islam, one is free to believe in God or not.
  • in Islam, human born innocent, have no sin. Human have sin because of his actions.
  • in Islam, angels are not female. God has no daughters.

Answer 8

Ironically both groups can point to verses from the same book (the Bible) to support their position. For example, Christians who say Jesus is God would quote John 10:30 in isolation and Muslims who says Jesus is subordinate to God would also quote John 10:29 in isolation.


For example, Christians often quote from the Bible the following verses as evidence that Jesus personally claimed to be God!

  1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God [John 1:1]
  2. I and [my] Father are one [John 10:30]
  3. "Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" [John 8:58]
  4. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me [John 146].


For example, Muslims often quote from the Bible the following verses as evidence that Jesus did not personally claimed to be God and cannot be God!!

  1. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all…[John 10:29]
  2. "You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I [John 14:28].
  3. Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only" [Matthew 4:10]
  4. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen [Matthew 6:6].
  5. "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven [Matthew 6:9-10]
  6. Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by *my Father in heaven* [Matthew 16:17]
  7. Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father." [Matthew 20:23]. (Here Jesus was talking about the Judgement Day).
  8. "But about that day (i.e. the Judgement Day) or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father [Matthew 24:36].
  9. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?" 11 The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee." [Matthew 21:10-11]
  10. "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone [Mark 10:18]
  11. "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord *OUR* God, the Lord is one. 30 Love (i.e. worship) the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." [Mark12:29-31]
  12. Going a little farther, he (i.e. Jesus) fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. 36 "Abba, Father," he said "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." [Mark 14:35-36]
  13. At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (Which means *"My God, my God,* why have you forsaken me?") [Mark 15:33-34]
  14. "I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish-the very works that I am doing-***testify that the Father has sent me. *** 37 And the ***Father who sent me*** has himself testified concerning me. ***You have never heard his voice nor seen his form***, 38 nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent [Luke 5:36-38]
  15. After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, ***"Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."*** [John 6:14]
  16. Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." [John 6:29]
  17. Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own [John 7:16-17]
  18. Then Jesus, still teaching in the temple courts, cried out, "Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. ***I am not here on my own authority***, but he who sent me is true. You do not know him, 29 but I know him because I am from him and he sent me." [John 7:28-29]
  19. "Abraham is our father," they answered. "If you were Abraham's children," said Jesus, "then you would do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, ***a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God*** [John 8:39-40]
  20. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have ***believed that I came from God*** [John 16:27]
  21. So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, ***that they may believe that you sent me."*** [John 11:41-42]
  22. Now this is eternal life (i.e. a Place in Paradise): that they know you, ***the only true God***, and ***Jesus Christ, whom you have sent*** [John 17:3]
  23. Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ***'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"[John 20:17]

Answer 9 (hints on Answer 8 above)

Despite the differences between Christianity and Islam, it is important to point out that these differences are limited to the relation between one and God (that would be resolved by God on the Resurrection Day that both religions believe in). Regarding the relations among people and human, you find no differences in both religions. They both call for the same values and morals. Both forbid killing innocents, forbid robbery, forbid fornication, forbid cheating, ...etc. It remains to emphasize also that Islam religion was not spread by war as claimed by some non Muslims. Also, Quran is not a human authored text. The last point is that no relation between terrorism and Islam.

Refer to related questions below for more information on previous issues.

Answer 10

In Islam allah is the god and there are many prophet,one of the prophet is Issa(a.s) and prophet issa's god is allah. he used to pray to him. but in christian religion they pray to prophet issa (jesus)

Answer 11

Islam unlike Christians deny that God is a Trinity and consider this division of God's Oneness to be a grave sin. Muslims see Jesus as the last prophet sent to the Children of Israel and the Messiah, but do not believe that he is the Son of God or divine like Christians believe. This are the major differences.
In Islam Jesus a.s. is a messenger of Allah and is not son of Allah. also in Islam earth does not have a short age. in Islam prophets are infallible. and other diffs.
One major difference between Islam and Christianity is that in Christianity, Jesus is considered the final atonement for the sins of humanity, while Islam teaches strict adherence to Islamic fundamental which deny the sacrifice of Jesus.

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10y ago
Answer AThey are similar as both have only one god, ban idol worship, adultery and have prophets. The difference is that they consider Jesus as a prophet , and not the son of god and Saviour so no salvation here. Answer B:1. Christians have the same God who revealed to Abraham, Moses and other Jewish prophets as JEHOVAH. Islam has Allah as God and has never revealed as Jehovah or as Father as Jesus taught.

2. In Christianity, Jesus came and died for sinners as prophesied by the Jewish prophets. In Islam, Jesus did not die but taken to heaven.

3. Love your enemies is the Christian teaching. Islam does not teach to love non-Muslims.

4. Christianity has a savior Jesus Christ who saves them from sins and hell punishment. Islam does not have a savior but has only messengers who died just like regular humans.

5. Marrying another person while your spouse is living is adultery according to Christian teaching. Islam does not consider this as a sin (following Muhammad's example).

6. Christianity offers a heaven with the presence of Lord Jesus. Islam offers a heaven with milk, vine and virgins.

7. Jesus is the Son of God in Christianity as revealed in OT. Jesus is just a messenger in Islam even though Jesus is unique in Quran.

8. Christianity found in the New Testament has no rituals. Islam has a lot of rituals including reciting in Arabic you do not understand and kissing the black stone at Kaaba.

9. Christians are called children of God. Muslims are the slaves of Allah.

10. Christians worship God in spirit and no directional worship. Muslims worship Allah by turning towards Kaaba in Mecca.

11. New Testament teaches Jesus is the only way to heaven. Quran teaches good Christians, Jews, Sabience will also go to heaven.

12. Salvation is guaranteed in Christianity since Jesus died to save them. No guaranty for salvation in Islam.

13. Do not kill is the teaching of Christianity as Jesus or His disciples did not kill anyone. Killing is allowed in Islam as Muhammad and his followers killed many.

14. Salvation in Christianity is based on what God did through His Son Jesus who was punished for others sins. Salvation in Islam is based on human efforts.

15. Christian Scripture teaches not to fight. Islamic scripture teaches to fight and Allah loves those who fight for Allah (Quran 61:4)

16. Christian Scripture teaches God as Righteous. Islamic scripture teaches Allah as a Deceiver ( best of Deceivers - Quran 3:54, 8:30)

17. There is no consequence if a Christian leaves faith (except hell). Will be killed if a Muslims leaves faith ( No compulsion in religion is an abrogated verse).

18. Christian Scripture does not change its message. Islamic scripture changes its message through what is called abrogation with a new message (Many times in Quran old revelations were replaced by new ones, Quranic messages were abrogated by Muhammad and such)

19. Christian Scripture came through EIGHT different people. Islamic scripture came through just ONE person.

20. Christianity teaches that only those whose name is not written in the Book of Life will be in hell. Islam teaches that even all Muslims will have to go to hell (Quran 19:71).

Answer C (comments on Answer B above by one to one correspondence)
  1. Allah (God in English) is same God in Christianity and Judaism. In Arabic versions of the Bible God is written as Allah,
  2. It is true that in Islam Jesus was bodily raised to the Heavens and that his likeness was thrown on the one who betrayed Jesus; by miracle of God; and he was crucified in place of Jesus.
  3. Love your enemies is a slogan that never practically applied. Refer to the WW1, WW2, wars in North in south America, wars of the Crusades, current wars in the Middle East.
  4. All God prophets are human including Jesus (Peace be upon him). This the Muslims belief. Your good deeds and the God mercy are your savior.
  5. Polygamy was allowed before Islam even for prophets. Refer to the marriages of Solomon, David, Jacob,.... and many Romans and others. Jesus is the only prophet who didn't marry. Islam limited the allowed marriages to four.
  6. No one can know what is the Heaven. All what is mentioned about the Heaven in Quran is just for illustrations and not physically the same. It is mentioned in Quran that what is the Heaven never seen by eyes, never heard by ears, and never even thought of by heart.
  7. Jesus never said that he is Son of God. Even some Christians they do believe that He is a prophet and not son of God.
  8. Does it mean that Christians have no rituals? Kissing the black stone is not ritual worship and is not obligatory. However, kissing the black stones has special reasons. Don't Christians kiss the Cross that is a human made?
  9. God has neither children nor sons not companions. we are all bondmen and bondwomen to God; including prophets; but not slaves. Quran says for example (15:3) " The descendants of those whom We boarded along with Nooh; he was indeed a grateful bondman."
  10. Turning to Kaaba is only during praying to God.
  11. Jesus called also his followers that to go to the Heavens they should worship God as the one and only one God with no partner and no son.
  12. Obedience to God is manifested through following God commands. Only those Christians, Muslims, Jews, ... who worship God with no partners and do Good deeds will be Accepted in God Heavens with God mercy.
  13. Killing is not allowed in all religions including Islam. It is allowed in Islam only in defense when Muslims are attacked by others.
  14. Answered under 12
  15. Are you sure Christians never fight and never fought?
  16. Deceiver in Quran is mentioned in Arabic that has another understanding in Arabic language. As we say God hand is with you. It doesn't mean that God has hands.
  17. It is not true that in Islam teachings to kill who converts out of Islam. What is your proof that no compulsion in religion is abrogated?
  18. Abrogation was done only by God but once Quran revelation completed there was no abrogation. Quran was revealed over 23 years and required impose its teachings gradually to suit people capacities. Would you explain why there are different Bible text versions?
  19. It is logic that Quran God revelation to be to prophet Muhammad only. The same way Bible revelation was to Jesus only. Torah revelation was to Moses only.
  20. It is not enough to be a Muslim or Christian or else to be accepted the Heavens. You must be true believer in God oneness with no partner and no son and follow God commands to be accepted in God Heavens per God mercy and forgiveness.

There are many many differences but space permits me to outline just a few.

Islam is a religion that worships the God of Abraham (whom Moslems call 'Allah') as revealed by the prophet whom they regard as their spiritual leader - Mohammed. Though on the whole preaching love and respect for God, Mohammed also preached exclusivity for the Moslem - that no Moslem should befriend a Jew or Christian. Moslems regard Moses, Elijah and Jesus as prophets but lesser prophets than Mohammed. Like Jews, Moslems believe in salvation by adherence to and by living live by a set of rules such as obligatory praying several times a day. male circumcision, not eating certain foods such as pork, and other obligatory customs and rules e.g. in the way they conduct themselves, how they dress and the role of women in society.

Christianity is a religion that also worships the God of Abraham, but Christians believe that Jesus is not simply a prophet but the manifestation of God himself in human form. This is based on Jesus' own claims, his miacles, the prophesies about him and his resurrection from the dead - a great difference between Mohammed and Jesus is that Moslems admit that Mohammed died, but Christians believe that Jesus' death was a turning point in history where he saved all humanity, not just Christians, from their sins, and through his subsequent resurrection saved everyone who turns to him. Therefore, to the Christian, salvation comes not from a set of rules but by God's grace alone. Thus, Christians are free to eat what they like, and dress in the manner that they find most comfortable, as they believe what is in the heart is far more important than any outward sign of pious religion. They undergo no circumcision and regard all people created equal in God's sight - both Jew and Moslem, male and female. They are commanded by Jsus to love enemies and befriend and love those of all faiths and none.

Islamic point of view

Muslims believe that Islam is not a new religion , but a final restatement of the original revelation that has been conveyed to humanity by messengers and prophets sent by God. They believe that the original, unchanged revelations given to Abraham and other prophets(like Moses) reaching back to Adam all came from the One True God(The Creator). This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values

However, over time the teachings of the various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man ideas.

Muslims regard Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger of God and regard him as a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael,

As Moslems believe that God promised that since Muhammad is regarded by them as the last of the series of the Prophets and Messengers and since they regard the Holy Qur'an is His last Book of Guidance to humanity, He Himself will guard it from any changes or corruptions till the Day of Judgment. This is why this last Revelation which was sent 1423 years ago has remained unchanged, not even a word or a letter has been altered.

Islam teaches us that we must pray directly to God without an intermediary and no soul can bear the burden of another and that the nature of humanity is good, and we did not inherit sin from Adam. Each soul comes into being free of sin.

The oneness and universality of God's message requires that people accept all the messengers of God. Rejecting one of them amounts to rejecting them all. The Jews reject Jesus's mission and Muhammad's mission; some Christians reject Muhammad's mission; whereas the Muslims accept them all (but reject the the divinity of Christ), but reject incorrect historical interpretations and human elements in these missions.

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10y ago

At their very core teachings, very little. Though it is not popular to list the actual teachings of religions to show differences between them, this can be a good way to compare said differences from one to another.

Koranic teachings different from New Testament

Surah 19:19-21 states Jesus was conceived via the Angel Gabriel's decree and not by God's Holy Spirit.

Surah 5:72 says Christian's blaspheme when they say that Jesus is the Son of God.

Surah 112, inscribed on the 'Dome of the Rock' in Jerusalem states, "Praise be to God, who begets no son and has no partner...He does not beget, He is not begotten, and He has no peer.

Surah 4:157 tells the reader that Christ did not endure the excruciating crucifixion. Rather, someone else took His place as He returned to heaven.

While Jesus spoke of peace and love for each other, there are more than 90 verses within the Koran that counsel war/exile against 'unbelievers.' Some examples can be read in Surahs 4:101; 5:51; 9:29 and 5:33.

Christian teachings different from Koran

In Ezekiel 33:11, the Judeo-Christian God pleads with mankind to turn or repent from their sins and live. In constrast, Surah 32:13 and 5:36-37 has Allah apparently choosing not to save but to punish eternally.

The God in the Bible is constant and unchanging (see Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). This is an apparent contrast to Allah of the Koran who changes his revealted truths whenever/however he likes. Because many verses in the Koran contradict other verses, Islamist leaders long ago formulated the principle of naskh, or "abrogation," which teaches that Allah's later revelations override His earlier ones (see Surah 2:106). Compare the 'Meccan suras' generally peaceful and tolerant to the 'Medinan suras' which generally promote violence and holy war.

The God of the Bible loves mankind - all of us - so much that He sent His only begotten Son, so whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (see John 3:16). He does not condemn the world, but by way of His Son, Jesus, the world may be saved (verse 17).

Christianity is not meant to be a conquering religion (indeed, quite the opposite) though many calling themselves Christian have misinterpreted its message and attempted to do just that (Crusades). Today, Islam seems to be doing the same as many in Islam await the Mahdi. For thus is the way of mankind.

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12y ago

the main difference is that Muslims believe in one god "Allah" but Christians believe also in one God but they also believe in the trinity which is the Father, the Spirit and the Son which are all the three in one!!

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10y ago

Primarily, the differences occur when two or more interpretations of the religious texts present alternate understandings. Though it is not popular to list the actual teachings of religions to show differences between them, this can be a good way to compare one to another.

Koranic teachings different from New Testament

Surah 19:19-21 states Jesus was conceived via the Angel Gabriel's decree and not by God's His Holy Spirit.

Surah 5:72 says Christian's blaspheme when they say that Jesus is the Son of God.

Surah 112, inscribed on the 'Dome of the Rock' in Jerusalem states, "Praise be to God, who begets no son and has no partner...He does not beget, He is not begotten, and He has no peer.

Surah 4:157 tells the reader that Christ did not endure the excruciating crucifixion. Rather, someone else took His place as He returned to heaven.

While Jesus spoke of peace and love for each other, there are more than 90 verses within the Koran that counsel war/exile against 'unbelievers.' Some examples can be read in Surahs 4:101; 5:51; 9:29 and 5:33.

Christian teachings different from Koran

In Ezekiel 33:11, the Judeo-Christian God pleads with mankind to turn or repent from their sins and live. In constrast, Surah 32:13 and 5:36-37 has Allah apparently choosing not to save but to punish eternally.

The God in the Bible is constant and unchanging (see Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). This is an apparent contrast to Allah of the Koran who changes his revealted truths whenever/however he likes (see Surah 2:106).

The God of the Bible loves mankind - all of us - so much that He sent His only begotten Son, so whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (see John 3:16). He does not condemn the world, but by way of His Son, Jesus, the world may be saved (verse 17).

Christianity is not meant to be a conquering religion (indeed, quite the opposite) though many calling themselves Christian have misinterpreted its message and attempted to do just that (Crusades). Today, Islam seems to be doing the same as many in Islam await the Mahdi. For thus is the way of mankind.

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9y ago

In reality, there really is no similarity to best describe the Judeo-Christian
beliefs of God to the Muslim Islamic belief.

Judaism and Christianity have the Old Testament in common. Islam believes both
OT and NT have been partially corrupted in transmission while the Koran is
believed by Muslims to be the final and infallible revelation of God's will.

Though Muslims believe in God which they call Allah, Islam teaches that Allah
is all-powerful, sovereign and 'unknowable' while Judaism and Christianity both
teach the Creator God to be revealed as merciful, compassionate and knowable
(see Jeremiah 9:24 and John 17:3).

The Christian text teaches the God of the Old Testament was the Word and it was
He who Abraham and the other patriarchs and prophets worshiped. Islam teaches
the Word, aka Jesus 'as one of perhaps 124,000 messengers of prophets Allah has
sent and is one of the 25 listed in the Koran - but He is not the redeemer'
(Marvin Olasky, "Islam vs. Liberty," World, Sept 10, 2011).

Lastly, the God of the Bible gives mankind unconditional love (see John 3:16). The Koran rarely speaks of God's love and when it does, it is always conditional.

All in all, there are more differences and conflicts between the
Judeo-Christian texts and the Muslim text, as well as the Koran conflicting with
secular history.

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9y ago

There are many but here is just two:

* The Quran teaches that Jesus was neither God nor the Son of God - just simply a prophet (see Surah 112:3) inscribed on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

* The Bible teaches Jesus as both the Son of Man and Son of God - one of two individuals of the 'Elohim' of Genesis 1 (see John 1:1-18 for biblical definition of term).

* The Quran not only rejects Jesus as the Son of God (Surah 19:35), it does not teach His being resurrected as Jesus, Himself, said He would be "raised to life again" (see Surah 19:33-34).

* The Bible to the contrary has many statements from Jesus, Himself, saying He was "the way, the truth and the life" and that 'no one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). The Bible condemns salvation through any other as "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we are saved" (Acts 4:12).

In short then, the Quran teaches fear of the 'unknowable' Allah who sends sinners to the fire of hell. It offers no Savior. The Bible teaches God is love and wants all to know Him, hence His inspired words recorded in the Bible, the prophets sent, and His Son Jesus who became mankind's 'at-one-ment' and chance to live eternally as spiritual sons and daughters in the God family.

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