

What are maple seeds called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Maple seeds are called keys.

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Q: What are maple seeds called?
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What are those seeds that have like helicopters things called?

Helicopters, any veriety from Apache to Black Hawk. JK, jk. They are maple seeds.

How are maple seeds typically scattered?

Maple seeds are scattered by the wind.

What would happen if maple trees stopped making seeds?

The seeds will not grow, and new maple trees would not be produced if maple trees stopped making seeds.

How do maple seeds fly?

maple seeds work by air presure. Air pressure makes things fly such as maple seeds.

Which trees have spinning seeds?

Maple seeds

Do maple trees have seeds?

Yes, you can eat maple seeds but should boil them first to remove the bitter tannins.

How do Silver Maple seeds dispersal?

maple seeds have wings which when wind blows it flies and falls far away.

How many seeds does a maple key have?

Maple keys have two joined together wings and two seeds.

Do maple trees have edible seeds?

Yes, you can eat maple seeds but should boil them first to remove the bitter tannins.

How maple seeds and cherry seeds might be scattered?

Maple seeds have little wings that allow the wind to carry it. Cherry seed are consumed and released through animal waste.

What eats maple seeds?

immak eats them

How do maple seeds disperse?

they get disersed by insects