

What are methods for spider vein removal?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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They can be removed many ways, such as; compression stockings, sclerotherapy, surface laser treatments, endovenous techniques (laser and radiofrequencies), and surgery

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Q: What are methods for spider vein removal?
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Related questions

What is the best spider vein removal product?

Laser removal is the best spider vein removal product to get rid of most spider veins but if you have serious problems then laser removal may need to be combined with sclerotherapy.

What are the risks for spider vein removal?

There are no major risks involved with spider vein removal but when using laser treatment you might have a reddish or cat scratch appearance on the skin.

How much does spider vein removal cost?

Spider vien removal kits bought in a drugstore can be as low cost as ten dollars per treatment. For the more effective and long lasting laser spider vein removal costs can range from 400-2000.00!

Where can a person go to get pricing on laser spider vein removal?

You can obtain pricing on laser spider vein removal from a variety of sources. The most common way would be to ask the clinic you will be visiting. Failing that, you can try forums and blogs for an idea on price range.

Are there any potential side effects to spider vein removal?

Yes there are side effects to spider vein removal some of them include itching, hyperpigmentation, bruising, matting, and in some cases ulcers have even been reported. make sure your are treated by a professional and be sure to get recomendations first.

How long does spider vain removal take?

Spider vein removal can take a while. Depending on the type of removal technique, the time can vary. Surgeries require the least amount of time, while a change in diet to control the veins can take months.

What are some of the hazards of getting spider vein removal?

The injected medication that is used to treat spider veins, has been shown to quickly travel to the heart, lungs and brain. It is unknown if any immediate concerns stem from this but there are some cases of strokes after spider vein treatment.

Where can you get a painless spider vein removal procedure done?

This depends where you live. There are sites on-line that will direct you to doctors that perform the procedure in the state that you are looking to get in done, for example vein directory.

What is the process for spider vein removal?

The most common process or treatment for spider vein removal is called sclerotherapy. In this process a sclerosing agent is injected into the vein which causes it to disappear. It generally takes at least 2 visits/treatments for it to be effective. After the treatment the patient must wear compression stockings for several days. Another method is a laser treatment where a bright laser beam is directed at the vein. Again, it takes multiple visits. Sometimes the two types of treatment are combined.

What should I know before undergoing a spider vein removal procedure?

It is important to understand the procedure as well as what is required for post-procedure care. While the procedure is simple and fairly common, there are risks, so it's a good idea to be aware of them in order to identify problems, should they arise. This site offers a comprehensive view of all aspects of spider vein removal:

is it safe to give a spider spider vein tretment?

No it is not safe to give your pet spider a spider vein treatment. Spider vein treatments are not meant for your pet spider and could seriously harm your pet. These treatments are meant for humans only unless specifically stated by your doctor to use it otherwise.

What is involved when someone has spider vein surgery?

When someone undergoes spider vein surgery, their doctor will typically inject a chemical agent into the vein which will cause reduced blood flow and fading of the vein.