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When you begin to have migraine headaches twice or more a month, it is important to seek the help of a neurologist or headache specialist in developing a preventative regimen. This is because the more you let these headaches occur, the more likely it is that they will become even more frequent.

Here are some of the more common preventative medications prescribed:

Tricyclic Antidepressants:



Beta Blockers:



Calcium-Channel Blockers:


ACE Inhibitors:


Anti-Seizure Medications:






Neurontin (commonly prescribed for those in chronic pain as well, because it works with GABA neurotransmission and increases your normal threshold for pain)

Lyrica (like Neurontin, it works with GABA neurotransmission)











Some people have found that intranasal lidocaine, when used daily - may help prevent, as well as abort migraines.


Namenda, a prescription for Alzheimers, has been shown possibly be the first preventative to work with the spreading cortical depression which is the cause of the migraine. The majority of other medications work directly with the blood vessels, work with serotonin, or work to keep the nerves in line so they don't misfire. If we can prevent the entire process of migraine - from beginning to end, we may have the best shot of truly preventing them.

Things to be aware of when starting a preventative treatment program.

# It takes at least three months before you know if a medication will work as a preventative for you or not. Many of these medications need time to get proper plasma levels, as well as getting to a dose that will work for you. It takes a lot of patience, but having your life back is well worth it.

# Sometimes a person needs more than one preventative medication. Headache specialists are often pairing together medications from the different categories.

# It is important to continue keeping a headache diary when you begin a treatment regimen. Your headache diary should include the length of the migraine, and your pain level on a range from 1-10. This is because some medications not only reduce the number of migraines you will have in a month, but reduce their length and intensity. If you look back your diary, you may see that the medication is beginning to help you, even if you are not having less incidences of headache.

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13y ago

There are many kinds of treatments, some are medicine based and some treatments are devices that help you prevent migraines from happening. Auracol is an example of device, it is proven and safe

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11y ago

Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease. There are three types of medicines for Migraine attacks (which do not have to have a pain component at all).

  1. Abortives - stop the Migraine process
  2. Rescues - stop the pain
  3. Preventives - prevent attacks

There is no single *best* medication for Migraine. Each person is different, and what works for one patient will not work for another. Often it is found that a combination of medicines and approaches is best for a patient. For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

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11y ago

Which medicines are suitable for the treatment of Migraine will vary depending upon the Migraineur's personal medical history, other medications/vitamins/supplements he/she may be taking, and other factors. These choices include preventive medicines which may be used off label or as approved; abortive medicines that target Migraine more specifically; rescue medications which may be taken to lessen the pain of a Migraine attack in progress.

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12y ago

There are typically two types of migraine treatments offered: abortive and preventative. Abortive treatments are aimed at stopping the migraine once it has started. These treatments include medicines with triptans in them, which target serotonin. Midrin is a popular example. Preventative treatments are for frequent or severe migraines. These medicine may be taken on a daily basis. These medicines can include high blood pressure medication, antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, and even some vitamins such as COQ10.

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14y ago

Topamax and Neurotin are two of the most common medications used to prevent migraine headaches.

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13y ago

Antimigraine drugs are believed to work by correcting the imbalances and by tightening the blood vessels.

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Antimigraine medications are drugs that are given to lower the risk of a severe migraine attack or to reduce the severity of the headache once an attack begins.

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Why is caffeine added to migraine meds?

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What are some diets that prevent migraines?

Most diets aren't for prevent migrains. Migraines are caused by a sinus infections. You can find this information located on web md and other various sites

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Yes, divalproex sodium is sometimes used to prevent Migraine in some patients.

How can one prevent migraines?

One can prevent migraines by drinking a lot of water to stay well hydrated, by staying clear of drinks or snacks that contain caffeine and by getting into a regular sleep schedule. In addition, regular exercise and avoiding consumption of alcohol contributes to preventing migraines.

What are some migraine tratments?

Migraines can be treated with medications that prevent them or medications that stop them after they've started. There are other therapies as well, like biofeedback, avoiding triggers which can be food items or activity related. Most important is to rule out anything bad, like brain tumors. Treatment should start with an MRI scan of the brain. If negative, then further investigation should be done to learn what triggers your migraines. A full allergy panel will tell you what you are allergic to, both foods and environmental elements like grasses, trees, dust, cats, etc. Any food triggers should be avoided. Some examples are red wine, red meat, caffeine, some cheeses, etc. Keep a headache diary. Each day note what you eat and do along with whatever headaches you get. A pattern should develop and then you can know what to avoid. Some use biofeedback to control migraines. There may be other behavioral methods as well. A neurologist can help you with this. There are medications to prevent migraines and meds to abort them. Some of the anti-seizure meds are used as preventatives, as well as anti-depressant drugs. Meds like Imitrex help some people to stop a migraine in process. And there are other meds like Imitrex available. Caffeine can be a big help, so long as you are not using it every day. Too much and it can cause rebound headaches. Best of luck.

How many types of Migraine are there?

There are at least 5 different types of migraines: food induced (especially related to gluten), withdrawal migraines (related to caffeine or alcohol withdrawal), weather-related migraines, scent-triggered migraines, and migraines triggered by smaller headaches. Learn more about all of these types of migraines and how to prevent them here:

What can you take for migraines while breastfeeding?

There are lots of medications safe while breastfeeding. Call your local lactation consultant and have her check the meds before taking them

Does the dilation of blood vessels cause migraines?

the dilation of blood vessels is one of of the three things that cause migraines. the nervous system and genetics also submit to the problem. if you want to learn more about what to eat and drink to prevent migraines, go to

Does having spinal meningitis later cause migraines?

I too am wondering this. I had meningitis at 3 years old and have suffered a lifetime of terrible migraines. I am now 27 and on daily medication to prevent migraines and moving up to more serious medications each year.

What are some things to do for migraine prevention?

Web MD, NHS, and Mayo Clinic all have websites featuring advice on how to prevent migraines. Avoiding migraine triggers is a good place to start. Try not to eat any food or take any medications that seem to cause migraines.

Why would a drug be given prophylactically?

To prevent an undesired symptom. Such as Topamax being a prophylactic drug for migraines. It prevents them.

Can lisinopril be taken for migraines?

Lisinopril can be taken for migraines, however it will not stop a migraine attack...Lisinopril is prescribed for many things, and one of them is a type of migraine prevention.....lisinopril is prescribed as a preventive drug for migraines as well as propanolol, or inderol. another medicine that can be prescribed for migraine prevention is gabamentin (neurontin). I am a cluster migraine sufferer and I have used all listed in prevention of migraines....keep in mind that lisinopril and propanolol and inderol are also hypertension meds and control high blood pressure.