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Q: What are the object that orbit the sun?
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What object does the earth orbit?

The Sun

What object keeps Saturn in orbit?

Saturn is kept in orbit by the sun.

What is the difference between a bound orbit and an unbound orbit around the Sun?

An object on a bound orbit follows the same path around the Sun over and over, while an object on an unbound orbit approaches the Sun just once and then never returns.

Is the sun an orbit?

No, the sun is an object. A fairly ordinary star. An orbit is the closed circular path taken by an object around another object. The suns orbit is the path it takes around the galactic centre. A journey of some 250 million years to complete one orbit. In comparison the earths orbit around the sun takes one year.

What object does the moon and earth orbit around?

The sun.

What is the most distant object to orbit the sun?


What can you draw about the properties of a planet just by knowing how far from the sun it is?

Well, the speed of it's orbit in relation to the other planets orbiting the same sun. The closer an object is to the sun the faster it's orbit. Conversely, the farther an object is from the sun the slower it's orbit.

What is the sun and the object that orbits around it?

The sun is a star and planets and asteroids orbit it.

How does it move around the sun?

For object to orbit around the Sun, it required gravitation force from mass of the Sun in balance with centripetal force from velocity of the object. If the gravitation force is too strong then the object would pull down to the sun and if the centripetal force is too great then the object would escape from the orbit.

What is the path of an orbit around a larger object called?

Orbit: as in the Earth orbits round the Sun.

What are the icy object with the large tail that orbit the sun?


What planet has the most distant object ever to orbit the sun?

Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun and therefore has the most distant object to orbit the sun. However, scientists are continually discovering new objects in the outer space.