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paralinguistic features refer to language... This includes voice loudness and affect.

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Q: What are paralinguistic features?
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How do you use paralinguistic features?

By showing specific gestures

Describe two features of paralinguistic communications?

rate of speechpitch

What is paro linguistic features?

Paralinguistic features refer to the nonverbal elements of communication such as tone of voice, volume, pitch, rhythm, and pronunciation that convey meaning and emotions beyond the words themselves. These features play a crucial role in enhancing and modifying the intended message and can vary significantly across cultures and contexts.

What are the roles of paralinguistic elements in presentation?

it is ewan..

What are paralinguistic cues?

Paralinguistic cues are non-verbal signs, such as gestures, body posture, facial expressions which modify or suggest the meaning of verbal communication.

What does paralinguistic noise mean?

It depends on the context. Usually, in linguistics, "paralinguistic noise" is an expression describing a noise you produce to mean something. It's not a word or a sentence, but everyone in your culture still understands what you mean. In most Western cultures, for example, if you make a "shhhhh!" noise, the person in front of you will understand he/she needs to shut up. It's also understood that the louder the "shhh" sound, the quicker this person ought to shut it, or else. Clearing the throat often means "give me your attention".

What is paralinguistic?

Para-linguistics are the nonverbal aspects of communications in different languages, such as body language and wordless expression. Examples are smiling,gestures or body movements, laughing, and more specifically, English-language examples include "um," "erm", "aha," and "mm-hmm."

How does talk in soap operas try to represent actual speech?

Soap's --> Scripted speech-->planned and written by the actor who speaks it.-->carefully constructed to develop a character or to contribute to a narrative.-->All paralinguistic - (volume, intonation, pace and rhythm, pauses laughtercoughing. etc. is planned and decided by the writer?director/actor.-->body language might look natural but again, contributes to characterpresentation and story.-->Language is more likely to be a sociolect, to create a generic impression of 'theway young people speak', or 'the way Londoners speak'..Natural Speech :--> spoken spontaneously by person engaged in conversation.-->A response to an immediate, real life situation.-->Paralinguistic features unplanned and spontaneous.--> Body language represents an immediate response to the situation.--> Language reflects person's idiolect, their individual speech.

What does paralinguistic mean?

par·a·lan·guagen.The set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo, vocal pitch, and intonational contours, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning.par·a·lin·guis·ticadj.Of or relating to paralanguage or its studyAbove retrieved from Answers.comViper1

What are physical and natural features?

physical features are features in which you can observe by your eyes.

What does economic features mean?

economic features are features that the economy has

What does features?

Geographical features are the components of the Earth. There are two types of geographical features, namely natural geographical features and artificial political features. Wikipedia