

What are particles with reversed magnetic polarity called?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are particles with reversed magnetic polarity called?
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What do you mean the south seeking pole in a magnet?

The south-seeking or, simply, the south pole of a magnet points in the direction of the location on the earth called 'Magnetic South', located in the southern hemisphere. Because 'unlike poles attract, the magnetic polarity of this location is north. By the same logic, the magnetic polarity of the location called 'Magnetic North' is south.Do NOT confuse locations ('Magnetic North' and 'Magnetic South') with magnetic polarities.

Describe how the polarity of earth's magnetic field is recorded in the sea floor?

The position of Earth's magnetic field changes over geologic time, pole is located near Earth's North Pole, a condition called normal polarity.

A compass needle is a small magnet.It line up with the Earth's magnetic field lines what must me true about the polarity of the compass needle which points northwards geographically?

'Magnetic North' is so-called to distinguish it from 'True North' -it has nothing whatsoever to do with describing its magnetic polarity. The poles of a magnet and, therefore, a compass needle, are named after the directions in which they point. Since unlike poles attract, the magnetic polarity of Magnetic North must be a south pole.

What is the The north magnetic pole of a compass needle is attracted to the magnetic pole of the earth.?

The needle on a compass points to the North Magnetic Pole. CommentA compass points to Magnetic North, not to the north magnetic pole. They are two different things -the first is location, the second is magnetic polarity.

Where is earths magnetic North Pole?

compasses point to it. its at the north pole in the arcticNo It's not, the Magnetic North Pole is at this moment just off Ellesmere Island heading towards Russia at a rate of 40 miles (60 km) per year.AnswerIt depends what you mean by 'magnetic north pole'. If you mean the location, called 'Magnetic North' (arctic), then its polarity is south. If, by 'magnetic north pole', you mean its magnetic polarity, then it's located at Magnetic South (antarctic).

What are the bands of Solar particles trapped in the magnetic shield called?

Van Allen Belt

What is The process of arranging the magnetic particles on the disk surface for reading and writing so data can be stored is called what?

This is called "Formatting"

What is a force that results from charged particles called?

The force due to the charges themselves is an electrostatic force.If the particles are also either moving or spinning, the force is a magnetic force.Both types of force are transferred between the charged particles by particles called virtual photons.

One effect of the magnetic lines of force around the earth is an area of charged particles called the?

The Aurora.

Where is the south magnetic pole of the Earth?

Let's start by sorting out the terminology. 'Magnetic North' is a location, so-called, to distinguish it from 'True North'. It is not the magnetic polarity of that location. Magnetic North is not a fixed location, but is always moving relative to Magnetic North which is located at the earth's axis.A freely-suspended magnet, when it comes to rest, essentially points towards Magnetic North (it actually lies along the lines of magnetic flux that join Magnetic North and Magnetic South). For this reason, that end of a magnet (and that of a compass needle) was originally called its 'North-seeking' pole. Over time, we have dropped the word, 'seeking', and it's now simply called its 'north pole' and, by common agreement, this is also considered to be its magnetic polarity.So, if the 'north' pole of a magnet points towards the location we call 'Magnetic North', then the magnetic polarity of that location is a south pole. This is because unlike poles attract.So, to answer the question, the south magnetic pole of the earth is located (deep within the earth) below the location we call 'Magnetic North' in Canada.Why people find this so confusing can only be put down to poor teaching! It is perfectly logical; there has not been any mistake in naming the poles; it's not because the polarity of compass needles have been misnamed!!! It's because people don't seem to realise that Magnetic North is a LOCATION, not a polarity!

Which pole of compass needle points to a south pole of a magnet is south pole or north pole?

First of all, it's important to understand that the term, 'magnetic north', is a location and has nothing to do with its magnetic polarity. It is called 'magnetic north' to differentiate it from 'true north', because that is where a compass needle points.Originally, the 'north pole' of a magnet (and of a compass needle) was called its 'north-seeking pole' but, over time, the word 'seeking' has been dropped, and we now call it, simply, the 'north pole' -which, by general agreement, is also its magnetic polarity.Since 'unlike poles attract', this means that the magnetic polarity of the location called 'magnetic north' is actually south. Or, to be more accurate, the region deep within the earth below 'magnetic north' is of south magnetic polarity.