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Q: What are pig intestines called?
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How long were the small intestines in a fetal pig?

The intestines are 5 times the size of the pig, if you literally had the intestine in a straight line, take the pig and measure it using the pig it would be 5-6 times as big as the pig.

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Pig intestines

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How did they invent rubbers?

they got the idea from pig intestines

What does Australia export to Indonesia?

dog meat and pig intestines

What goes in sausages?

The skin is made from the the outside of pig's intestines, while the inside is made from pig's meat.

What is the average length of a pig's small intestines?

15 to 20 m.

What are thripas made out of?

Thripas, or tripas actually, is made from the intestines of a pig. The intestines are cleaned, boiled and then grilled. This is a popular Mexican dish.

What are the digestive tubes called?

Intestines Intestines

Do they use pig intestines to make sausages?

Traditionally the intestines are used as sausage skins. However it is mostly synthetic skin used these days.

What are the mesenteries of a fetal pig?

They are thin transparent sheets of veiny tissue attached to the pig's small intestine that bring nourishment and oxygen to the intestines.

Does a fetal pig have a mesentery membrane?

yep, it helps keep the small intestines in place