

What are pipes used for plumbing made from?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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They can be made from a variety of materials, galvanised steel, copper, PVC, CPVC or PEX.

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Q: What are pipes used for plumbing made from?
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You must mean in DRAIN pipes. -It can not be used in plumbing pipes.

Is copper used in plumbing?

Yes, copper pipes are used extensively in plumbing.

What element was used in plumbing that made people sick?

pipes used to be made of lead, which is poisonious. cans of food also used to be sealed in this way

Which elements are used to make water pipes?

Copper pipes are now most commonly used in plumbing. Lead pipes were used long ago, and the word plumbing is derived from the Latin word for lead (plumbum). Iron pipes were used until relatively inexpensive copper pipes became readily available during the twentieth century.

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Of course they can

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They used lead pipes , which the Romans used in Rome.

What is a plug used for in plumbing?

Plumbing plugs are used for leaking pipes and while the pipe needs to be repaired. A plumbing plug will make the job much faster and easy.

What fuel is used for sweating plumbing pipes?

An acetylene or propane torch.

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Why are galvanized pipes a reason for your homeowners insurance to cancel on you?

Galvanized pipes are no longer used for home plumbing purposes. If you home still have galvanized pipes in you home then it indicates that your plumbing has likely never been updated.

What is lead used for?

it's used in plumbing and pipes.

What are ancient names for lead?

One of the names of the metal Lead- in Latin, was plumbum. Since very early plumbing used pipes made of lead, the name plumbum is the root of the word plumbing.