

What are political and non profit making organisations?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are political and non profit making organisations?
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What do you mean by profit making organisations?

For profit organizations that exist to make money as opposed to non profits who exist to meet a community need.

Explain how the marketing concept can be applied in non profit organisations?

Explain how the marketing concept can be applied in non profit organization?

Where are surplus shown in balance sheet?

With non-profit organisations, when the balance sheet doesn't show a loss, but what would be classified a profit for profit organisations, it is called a surplus. When it is what would be considered a loss for profit organisations, it is called a deficit.

What are the roles of religious organisations as non profit organisations in society?

They give shelter to the homeless, feed the hungry & minister to inmates & hospital patients.

What is non profit oriented organization?

Non profit making organization is the type that does not deal with profit oriented

What makes NGOs different from normal businesses?

NGO's - Non Government Organisations - are different from Normal businesses as they are not governed by the Goverment. Non Government Organisations are different, as they do not work "for profit", and operates independently from the government.

What is profit oriented organization?

Non profit making organization is the type that does not deal with profit oriented

What is the opposite of a organism?

The opposite of a non-profit organization is a profit organization. A non-profit organization does not carry out activities with the intention of making profits.

Aims of a voluntary sector business?

The voluntary sector consists mainly of non-profit organisations like charities so you can instantly conclude that they don't exist to make profit.

Where can I find more information on 501c?

501c is the IRS form for non-taxing for non profit organisations. I recommend you consult a tax lawyer who will be able to organise this best for you.

What are some examples of political factors on a non profit making organization?

Charities and organisations which help in a good cause rarely are affectted by political factors except if government directly target them. - Unemployment- organisations get more volunteers - WAR- charities that spend more as there might more money going out then coming in - Law and policies change- that affect internal environment of charity because charity spending more money on advertising and wages then on cause it supposedly getting money for. There are more but that all i could think of so far....

Can you differentiate between profit and non-profit making business?

any business u making money more than your expenses thas is profit otherwise loss