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Possessive nouns are, as the name suggests, nouns used to show possession of an object. Possessive nouns are achieved by using an apostrophe in conjunction with a noun. For example: Timmy's dog is brown. In this sentence, Timmy's is a possessive noun, as the apostrophe exists to show that the dog belongs to Timmy. Possessive pronouns, accordingly, replace a noun or noun phrase to avoid unnecessary repetition. There are eight possessive pronouns in the English language: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs and whose, although its is rarely used as a pronoun. For example: Where are my books? Yours are over there; these books are mine. Both yours and mine are possessive pronouns in this sentence.

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Q: What are possessive nouns and pronouns?
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Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns always function as what part of speech?

Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns always function as adjectives, as they modify nouns to show ownership or possession.

Do possessive pronouns ever have apostrophes?

No, possessive pronouns do not have apostrophes. Examples of possessive pronouns include "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "ours," and "theirs." Each of these words already indicates possession without needing an apostrophe.

What are the possessive pronouns that you use before a noun?

The pronouns that describe nouns are the possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, its.Example: How is your salmon? Mychicken is delicious.

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The nouns in the sentence are: team's(possessive form) and defeat.The pronouns in the sentence are: our(possessive adjective) and us (personal pronoun).

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In English, possessive pronouns, like adjectives, usually come before the nouns that they modify.

Is brother's possessive or plural?

Possessive nouns (but not possessive pronouns) use apostrophes; therefore, "brother's" is possessive. "Brothers" is plural.

What is the plural possessive of write?

Only nouns and pronouns have possessive forms. The word 'write' is a verb.

What is the examples of Neutral pronoun?

Neutral pronouns, pronouns that can take the place of male or female nouns or names are I, me, you, they and them; and the possessive pronouns my, your, their, and theirs.

What type pronoun uses an apostrophe to form the possessive?

The pronouns have possessive forms of their own. They do not use an apostrophe for the possessive, as nouns do.

Do all words have a plural possessive form?

No, only plural nouns and pronouns do.

How are possessive nouns and possessive pronouns similar?

Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns both show ownership or possession of something. Possessive nouns show that something belongs to a noun, whereas possessive pronouns replace a noun to show possession. They both indicate who or what owns or has something.

What are the possessive case nouns and pronouns in this sentence Franks call to his house was about Sues accident?

The possessive nouns in the sentence are:Frank'sSue'sThe pronoun in the sentence is 'his', a possessive adjective describing the noun 'house'.