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Pregnant women are at risk of having a baby. If you could be more specific in your question, you would likely get a more specific answer.

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Q: What are pregnant women at risk of?
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Why are cat's a risk factor for pregnant women and newborn children?

Cats carries animal borne illnesses and that is why they are a risk factor for pregnant women and newborn children.

Does swine flu affect pregnant women?

Pregnant women are considered in the risk group so they should get the vaccine.

Pregnant women who are at high risk for infection may receive what vaccines?

Non-infected pregnant women may begin the hepatitis B vaccine series if they are at high-risk for infection.

How do you know when you're at high risk to get pregnant?

Women having unprotected sex who are between the ages of 13 and 50 are at a high risk of getting pregnant.

What stage is it safe to be in contact with a pregnant women?

There's never a risk of being in contact with a pregnant woman.

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Are pregnant women considered at high risk for foodbourne illness?

I'm going to say it's because your immune system is probably weak when your pregnant.

True or false The risk of Down Syndrome decreases with age in pregnant women?

No. Older women are more likely to have Down Syndrome babies. The risk is highest after age 35.

Is it fine if a pregnant women drinks wine?

Because of an increased risk of fetal alcohol syndrome from even slight intakes of alcoholic beverages, it is encouraged that pregnant women NOT have an occasional glass of wine.

Can pregnant women eat cold shrimp?

can pregnant women eat shrimp Answer: No, it is not advisable for pregnant women to eat shrimp. There are too many risks involved with seafood - one common risk is that the food could be contaminated with bacteria.

Does the contraceptive implant cause birth defects?

The risk of birth defects is no higher for those few women who get pregnant on implanon than it is for other women.

Will stopping birth control lower the risk of blood clots?

Yes, unless you get pregnant. For nonsmoking women, and even for women who smoke and are under 35, there is more risk of blood clot with pregnancy than on the pill.