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AnswerSecular systems use language and carved out content that is more open to interpretation and question. It is the root of confusion, devisiveness, and religious war in the world today. This gives explanation for various off-shoots and branched versions of primary and secondary doctrines seen in the world religions. Answer"Secular Belief" is probably a misnomer. Secularism is a modern movement seen most often in industrialized nations. The movement holds to untraditional ideas of subjective morality, separate of a religious grounding. It is often associated with Atheism due to the lack of religious tie-ins, but not all secularists are athiests. The movement mostly has to do with escaping age-old, strict ideas of religious morality. AnswerSecular beliefs are those that have nothing to do with any god, the God, or religion. AnswerSecular beliefs are based on Natural Law, while religious beliefs are based on supernatural or the divine. Answer"Secular Belief" is a misnomer. However one may still believe it best to live in a secular society. A country is defined as secular if it does not have a national religion and if it does not favour any religious belief over another, even atheism, in its laws. Some examples include Australia, Turkey and the USA. As a counter example, England has (or maybe used to have) a national religion and based many laws on, first of all, Catholicism and then Anglicanism.

The main "belief", if you like, of secularism is that all religions are equal and that moral, logical, reasonable judgments and opinions made in the interest of law should not be affected by religious doctrine but by the morality, logic and reason of those involved in the decision. The main purpose for having a country, state, society, etc. as being secular is that nobody can be persecuted for their beliefs or their belief system. It is a fairer system that is nearly always abused. For instance, in the USA, it is political suicide to announce that one is not a Christian and expressing any opinion not heard in Sunday mass seems blasphemous to the Senate.

Secularism is not a "modern" movement but is a necessary ideal for any multicultural society.

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Worldly. Secular activities or topics are those with no tie to religious or spiritual areas. This would include math and science, economics, geography.

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What are some of the beliefs and values of secular humanism?

Answer If secularism is traveling without a destination Better Answer: Secular humanism is about people. The destination for secular humanist is better lives for ourselves and others. Secular humanism believes we can do that without believing in a god. Secular humanism believes that humans come first. Animals and the environment are important and or important for our survival, but humans come first. General speaking I think most secular humanist also believe there is a Truth, and it is a materialistic truth (non-spiritual). Most secular humanist believe in democracy and human rights and human freedom.