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Sieve plates are cross walls separating the cells in the phloem and have lots of minute pores. These cross-walls look like a sieve and so are called sieve plates.

The holes in the sieve plates allows rapid flow of manufactured food substances through the sieve tubes.

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Q: Are used for what in a sieve which size plates?
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How are pits perforation plates and sieve plates similar in function but different in structure?

Pits are small openings in the wall. Perforation plates are larger openings. A sieve plate looks similar to a sieve that is used in the kitchen. They all allow things to move across cell walls.

How is a sieve tube adapted to its job?

The end walls of the sieve tubes are perforated and these perforated end walls are called sieve plates. Pores in the sieve plates offer less resistance to flow of liquid.Little cytoplasm in cells = only forms a thin layer lining the inside of the wall of the cell.cells of the sieve tube are living,thus facilitating translocation.sieve plates allow the phloem to seal itself rapidly if it is cut,since it can clot due to callose as a carbohydratesieve plates act as supporting elements thus preventing the phloem from collapsing. .

The cells that function with the sieve tubes are the?

Cells containing sieve plates are called sieve tube members, a component of the phloem, which carries sugars produced in the leaves to various parts of the plant. They are characteristic of angiosperms (flowering plants) while gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants) have only sieve cells. Sieve cells and sieve tube members are collectively referred to as sieve elements.

Do discussion about sieve analysis?

Sieve analysis is a method that is typically used in civil engineering to determine the size of particles and how those particles are distributed. A discussion about sieve analysis could be conducted after using a series of sieves to filter out different particles of sand.

What does sieve meen?

A sieve is a very fine screen used to filter, or sieve, solids out of liquids.

What is used to measure flour particle size. What is the screened dish called?

Chances are it is called a sieve. It used to be the most common size characterization method and by many is still considered the gold standard, however recent advances in size characterization have replaced it, due to ease and speed. The way it works is that the sieve has holes a preset size and particles that are smaller can pass through, while particles that are bigger remain in the sieve. By stacking sieves of different hole (mesh) sizes one can determine the mass weighted particle size distribution.

What are sieve-tube cells?

In plant anatomy, sieve tube elements, are a specialized type of elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants. The ends of these cells connect with other sieve tube members, making up the sieve tube, whose main function is transport of carbohydrates in the plant.

What is sieve?

Sieve analysis is carried out to estimate particle size distribution in a given feed material. Sieve types normally designated by Tylor mesh series.

What is the structure of the Phloem?

Phloem is composed of sieve elements and companion cells. Each sieve element has a companion cell that provides ATP and other necessary support to the sieve element. In addition to this there are sieve plates that separate sieve cells.

What is sieve analysis?

Sieve analysis is carried out to estimate particle size distribution in a given feed material. Sieve types normally designated by Tylor mesh series.

Method to esparate different size particles?


What is uniformity coefficient?

The measure of variation in particle sizes of filter and ion exchange media. The coefficient is defined as the the ratio of the sieve size that will permit passage of 60% of the media by weight to the sieve sieve size that will permit passage of 10% of the media material by weight.