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He might look at the person he likes quite a bit, appear nervous or smile somewhat. The problem is (like shy girls) he may not be aggressive enough to come up and start a conversation with the person he likes. If you're interested in him, take the chance and go talk to him. Chances are he'll be flattered. If he is shy, you'll have to take the lead and initiate conversation. Pick a subject that you know he'll feel comfortable discussing. Once he starts talking he'll feel more comfortable and will open up more. If he doesn't follow with more conversation, he may be too, too shy or really not interested. After a conversation you'll know if he is interested. Make it easy for him to talk to you. Shy guys are scared to death of a put-down or rejection. They have to be encouraged. I think that if a shy boy likes you, he wont talk to you.. but like he will look at you sometimes. This one boy and I have liked each other for a while now and we still haven't talked and we know each other though, so isn't it kinda weird we haven't talked ? I would appreciated an answer from anyone. Someone has to break the ice and it's going to have been you. Take a deep breath and ask them out. Parties with friends is a good way to start or double-dating will help so he doesn't feel as if the pressure is put on him on a one-to-one basis with you. Good luck

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17y ago
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13y ago

Somtimes a guy likes you, but he is too shy to show it . Or mabey he's not showing it because he doesn't want to make it obvious that he likes you , incase you don't like him. You can most likely tell if he;s interested by the way he looks at you and when . he will probably be looking at you when you most likely not going to notice and when noone else is watching him. And by the way he looks at you. You can try talking to him but if he doesn't seem to be responding don't get discouraged he may just be too nervous to know what to say.

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12y ago

it will differ, but he may glance at you when he thinks your not looking, look away as soon as you notice him, when you are talking to him, you may notice he is nervous or edgy, he may make extra effort to run into you, more than is usual by chance, the best way is find out is to engage him in conversation, and put him at ease - find out his interests so he doesnt feel awkward, then you can get to know him. he might also be a little less social with the girl he likes (hopefully you). or maybe he will smile more around you.

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14y ago

he will look at you from a distance, compliment you on facebook or something but cannot do it in person, act more like a friend rather than someone interested in you, ask to hang out rather than ask to go out on a date.

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13y ago

Signs can be different for every person.

I'm shy, I'll let you know that. I know I freeze up when I see the girl I like, but when I'm around her and talking, it's not so bad. He will probably not approach you, especially if you're with friends. That's the huge "stay away" part for me. It makes me even more uncomfortable if she's with other people.

Talk to him, he'll probably show signs of nervousness.

Sometimes asking him if he likes you is an easy way of figuring it out.

When a girl asks me who I like, I'll tell them right away usually, but if it's the girl I like, I'll end up making up any excuse I can to get off that subject.

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14y ago

Here are some sign:

He stares at you during random moments or during class

He tries to come into conversations you are in, even if he wasn't invited

He ask you simple questions like "how are you'' and " hows it going'

He smiles and blushes when you talk to him

These are some signs, and you keep an eye out for these signs and Good Luck. =]

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11y ago

the girl will laugh a lot, and make fun of the boy, she will blush, watch him


She would always laugh and smile when she's around him. She might stare at him a little. But thats just because, she's too afraid to talk to him. The guy should start the conversation. Or she won't talk. At all. I would know because, I'm a shy girl myself. She will probably grin at him & smile alot. They really like it when someone else starts a conversation. If you do. They will actually talk to you. Then that would start a good friendship. Probably anyways.... By the way shy girls will always blush when you talk to them. This is a really good sign. If you talk & they smile at the ground when they look at you. She REALLY likes you. c:

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It's to shy or nervous to admit it, or he wants it to be a secret

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Depends on the personality of the girl... if the girl is outgoing she will most likely go for a guy who is more outgoing also,,,,, but if she wants to be the more dominate person in the relationship she will go for a shy guy. If the girl is shy the guy will most likely have to ask her out so the guy will have to handle that one!

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wait to see if it is true then see if a friend will friend will recommend you