

What are siphons?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Siphons are tubes connecting from a higher reservoir to a lower reservoir. It is powered by hydrostatic pressure which is "the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid, due to the force of gravity". To use a small scale siphon, you must suck on the bottom end until the water comes out. Because of equilibrium, the siphon will keep flowing.

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What is the purpose of siphons?

Fist tell me what they are then ill tell you.

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The clam has two siphons. The excurrent siphon (which expels water and waste out of the clam) and the incurrent siphon (which brings oxygen and food and water into the clam).

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A siphon is found in octopus, squid, and in some snails and clams. The function is movement, feeding, respiration, and reproduction. In bi-valves, the siphons are paired. In cephalopods, there is a single siphon or funnel which is known as a hyponome.

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They lead to the gut. It just gives oxygen! Hope this helps!

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