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cell membrane, nucleus,mitochondria

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11y ago
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15y ago

Atoms contain subatomic particles called elementary or fundamental particles. They are the known subatomic constituents, thought to be indivisible, of which matter and energy are composed. These include electrons, leptons, photons, quarks, hadrons, and many other particles.

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8y ago

Recently the "quarks" which are said to make up the sub-atomic particles has caught lot of attention. Protons are said to be made up of "uud" which suggest there are two up quarks and one down quark whereas for the electrons it is "udd" which is one up quark and two down quarks. The "smaller pieces of atoms" are generally thought of as the particles that make the atom up. These are the protons, neutrons and electrons. In the truest sense, these three subatomic particles can be said to be the building blocks of atoms.

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13y ago

Atoms consist of Protons, Electrons and a Nucleus. Protons are positive charges (+), Electrons are negative charges (-), and each atom has only 1 Neutron which has a neutral charge (/ ).

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12y ago

Molecules are made up of small particles called atoms.

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11y ago

subatomic particles, which are protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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11y ago

Atoms are made of positively charged protons, negative charged electrons and neutral neutrons.

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Is atom the simplest building block of the body?

Not really. Atoms themselves are made up of smaller parts, and the body isn't really made of individual atoms, but rather of collections of atoms called molecules.

If Atoms are made of smaller parts such as electron why are Atoms consider the basic unit of matter?

Because the configurations of the smaller parts that come together to form the atoms comprising the elements are stable. The energy required to break an atom into some of its smaller bits is enormouse.

How do we know things are made of smaller parts?

Things are made up of atom. Atoms are small particles.

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It is made out of small particals, smaller than atoms called electrons.

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It is made out of small particals, smaller than atoms called electrons.

Is an element the smallest substance?

No. Elements are made up of smaller elements called atoms.

Why are atoms considered the smallest particles if they are made up of smaller parts?

An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element.

Can atoms be made of smaller particles?

Yes - all atoms are made of smaller particles. Those particles are protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Where are the atoms created?

Atoms themselves are made up of three kinds of smaller particles, called protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons and neutrons are in the middle of the atom.

What is true concerning atoms A. atoms are made of even smaller substances called subatomic particles B. The properties of atoms cannot be measured or observed?

A i believe as they are made of protons neutrons and electrons Also you can look at the subatomic level

How did Aristotle help with discovering the atoms?

He theorized that all matter was made of indestructible elementary particles called atoms. We now know that Atoms are in turn made of smaller particles and are not indestructible, but he formed the very basis of modern atomic theory.

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