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Tuberculosis , chicken pox , polio , rabies , influenza , lyme , mumps , measles , pertussis ,

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13y ago

The virus or bacterium for which that vaccination is targeted.

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13y ago

There are/may be quite a few that you can vaccinate against, such as chickenpox, Polio, Rubella, and Tetanus.

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Q: What are some Diseases you can vaccinate against?
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Do you vaccinate a goat?

No, goats are naturally immune to disease. Depending on the diseases that are in livestock in your district it is recommended to vaccinate goats every six months against the clostridial diseases and in some countries goats are also vaccinated against Johne's disease.

Can you get a vaccination to prevent salmonella?

No, Salmonella is caused by bacteria not by viruses. You can only vaccinate against viral diseases.

What is the reason for vaccine?

If you vaccinate people against diseases, it saves money and resources treating them if they were to actually fall ill with the sickness. Also, it safeguards the health of the majority of a population, and can totally wipe out some diseases.

If you don't take your cat to get her vaccines?

It runs a risk of getting infected with whatever diseases/illnesses you do not vaccinate it again. Please, vaccinate your animals.

How do you prevent leptospirosis in goats?

Vaccinate against it

What can you do to protect your sheep from pest and diseases?

Vaccinate it annually and drench it regularly for worms.

What precautions control the spread of infections?

Vaccinate people and pets against diseases for which a vaccine is available. As of 2003, the vaccines used against infectious diseases are very safe compared to most drugs; Wash hands often; Cook food thoroughly.

What are the two different shots for a sheep called?

There are multiple different names for vaccinations for sheep depending on which drug company has made the vaccine. The main diseases that you can vaccinate sheep against are the clostridials (eg tetanus and pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia)) and cheesy gland (caseous lymphadenitis). In some countries you can also vaccinate sheep against Johne's disease. Vaccines are usually given subcutaneously, however any injectable antibiotic is usually given intramuscularly.

Why are communicable diseases not a problem anymore?

Mostly there isn't a problem because the improvement of medicine. Ever heard of Penicillin. However, infectious diseases are actually becoming a concern because medicine is being used to treat this and so the pathogens are beginning to develop a tolerance to these medicines. Also parents don't want to vaccinate their children against some infectious diseases (i.e. Polio) causing a bit of concern.

What is diarrhea vaccine?

Diarrhea is a symptom of several diseases, not a disease itself. Therefor there is no vaccine for diarrhea. But there are vaccines for some of the diseases that cause diarrhea as a symptom. However there are also non-disease causes of diarrhea and for these there will never be a vaccine, as there is nothing to vaccinate against.Diarrhea is also a symptom of several types of poisons as well as radiation sickness and although these can be considered "diseases" or "illnesses", there is no disease causing organism to vaccinate against so there will never be a vaccine.

Does mmr vaccinate against German measles?

MMR Vaccine protects against,MumpsMeaslesRubella = German measles===================

Why is it important to vaccinate your children?

The reason it is important to vaccinate your children is so they do not get diseases or sicknesses that could lead to problems when they are older. If you are worried about pain, your pediatrician or family doctor can use a local anesthetic before admistering the vaccination.