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As their name suggests, metalloids possess characteristics of metals and nonmetals. Typical characteristics of metals include a shiny luster, some degree of malleability and an ability to conduct electricity or heat. Nonmetals are typically nonlustrous, brittle and poor conductors of electricity.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Metalloids tend to have an intermediate property between metals and non-metals. They may look like metals, in case of arsenic and antimony that are crystalline solids. However, in chemical reactions, they may behave either as metals or non-metals. The metalloids are usually amphoteric oxides as metals are basically basic oxides and non-metals are generally acidic oxides. Some metalloids like boron, silicon and germanium behave as semiconductors. Their chemical reactivity depends on the substance they react with. Like boron acts as a metal when reacting with fluorine and behaves as non-metals when reacting with sodium. Many metalloids have different allotropes. For a given metalloid, one of its allotrope may react as a metal and the other allotrope may behave as a non-metal.

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13y ago

Metalloids are kind of like both metals and nonmetals and share the same properties as both. It is very hard to tell the difference between a metalloid and metals/nonmetals since they both look exactly the same as each other.

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12y ago

some properties of metalloids include:

Semi-Conductors of heat and electricity

They are insulate

good luck finding the rest :)

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9y ago

The general properties of a metalloid are a combination of the properties of both metals and non-metals. Aside from those properties, they have the unique property of being semi-conductors.

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11y ago

Metalloids have properties of both metals and non metals.

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10y ago

what r some properties of metalloids

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