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Q: What are some countries that live under monarchy?
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Which countries follow monarchy?

There are very few countries that follow AbsoluteMonarchies. Saudi Arabia might be one of them. In terms of Constitutional Monarchies, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand are amongst the few that do. Many of the Commonwealth countries are also governed under constitutional monarchy

Who is are queen now?

This is a little depressing. A lot of countries aren't monarchy anymore. Some still are, and it depends on the country you live to answer this question.

What countries have limited monarchy today?

countries in western hemispheres like united states of America and some countries in south Asia and midde east have limited monarchy

Countries that have a absolute monarchy government?

Some countries that have Absolute monarchy would be Nevada,japan,England,montana,And basicly every country in the world

What are some monarchy slogans?

Monarchy...taxing you more, so we can live in luxury and laugh at you peasants"

What are some countries ruled by kings?

Saudi Arabia and Spain England is also a monarchy.

What is the most important official in some countries such as Britain?

Usually the monarchy. That is the king or queen

What country practices monarchy?

Many countries have a monarchy including United Kingdom, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Monaco, Japan, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Morocco.

Name the forms of government that fall under the category of autocracy?

The forms of government are aligarchy and democracy

What is an example of a civilization that was a monarchy?

The United Kingdom is a monarchy. Until the revolution, France was a monarchy as was (and some still are) most of the countries of Europe. Any civilization with discrete boundaries and a royal family was/is a monarchy...example Ancient Egypt. There has to be a single king or queen.

What did Parliament use that exercised some control over the king under England's?

Under England's Limited Monarchy.

What are the countries with hereditary government?

Some countries with hereditary governments include Saudi Arabia, where power is passed down within the Al Saud dynasty, and Morocco, where the king has significant authority and the crown is passed down within the Alouite dynasty. Additionally, in the United Kingdom, the monarchy is hereditary, although it holds mostly symbolic power and the country operates under a constitutional monarchy.