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An example of individual rights is freedom of speech.

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Q: What are some examples of individual rights?
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Examples of individual rights?

natural rights(being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--this is the version given by John Locke-- there is another version in united states government is life, liberty and property),Magna CartaHabeas CorpusPetition of RightsEnglish Bill of Rights

What are some examples and non-examples of checks and balances popular sovereignty separation of powers republicanism and individual rights two of each?

Too much to ask for bro.

What is the Individual rights?

People have rights as defined in the Declaration of Independence

How dows the constitution protect individual rights?

Bill of Rights protects the individual rights.Bill of rights protects the individual rights.

What are some examples minority rights?

What is an example of majority rule and minority rights?

What are the types of human rights?

Examples of some rights include:the rights to educationto a livelihoodto legal equality

What is true of loyalty boards?

They did not care about individual rights

Should laws take precendence over individual rights?

It depends. Laws shouldn't violate our individual rights in the first place, but also we give up some rights and freedom for protection of other rights. (The Social Contract)

What are some examples of oligarchy laws?

they only have few rights

What are examples of individual sports?

Chess, Swimming, Race, ect. are some examples of Individual Sports.

Are civil rights the same as human rights?

Human rights are rights people have just by virtue of being human. Civil rights are bestowed by countries to their citizens. Civil rights may be taken away, but human rights are universal and can't be denied.

Why did some people oppose the environmental movement?

They believed it interfered with their individual rights.