

Best Answer

The families that endure tornadoes may never heal from devistation.

Houses may never look the same.

Prize pocesstions never will be the same.

Life itself won't be the same.....

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Q: What are some examples of permanent damage caused by a tornado?
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Where does the damage come from the most in a tornado?

Most damage in a tornado is caused by the extremely fast winds.

How can you use the word permanent in a sentence?

Once A tornado hits it doesn't have PERMANENT damage.

What type of tornado causes light damage?

"Light damage" is the term used to describe the damage caused by an F0 tornado.

What causes most damage from a tornado?

The greatest amount of damage in a tornado is caused by extremely strong winds. Additional damage is from flying debris.

How much damage did the biggest tornado cause?

The largest tornado even recorded caused about $160 million dollars in damage, but keep in mind this wasn't the most damaging tornado or the strongest. The tornado with the strongest recorded winds caused $1 billion in damage (about $1.3 billion in today's dollars). The most damaging tornado recorded caused the equivalent of $1.7 billion in today's dollars.

Damage caused by ESD is a permanent damage?

To an electronic device, yes.

What causes tornado damage?

Tornado damaged is caused by a tornado's powerful winds and objects carried y those winds.

How much money in damage cost joplin after the joplin tornado?

The Joplin tornado caused about $2.8 billion worth of damage to the city of Joplin.

How do you size a tornado?

The size of a tornado, or its width is determined by how wide the area of damage is. The rating of a tornado, which is not dependent on size (though there is some correlation) is based on the severity of the damage caused.

What causes the most damage associated with tornadoes?

Most of the damage caused by tornadoes is the result of extremely powerful winds.

What is The scale for measuring the strength of a tornado is called?

The Enhanced Fujita Scale rates the strength of a Tornado by the damage it has caused!

What does the scale measure on a tornado?

The Fujita and Enhanced Fujita scales assesses damage caused by a tornado to assign a rating.