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The possibility of Jones' returning us used to justify the special privileges for the pigs.-transfer

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Stanford Dibbert

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1y ago
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11y ago

The possibility of Jones' returning us used to justify the special privileges for the pigs.-transfer

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14y ago

One example is when Boxer, whom the animals love, admire, and respect due to his hard work and devotion to Animalism, adopts a new slogan, "Napoleon is always right".

"Certainly the animals did not want Jones back; if the holding of debates on Sunday mornings was liable to bring him back, then the debates must stop. Boxer, who had now had time to think things over, voiced the general feeling by saying: 'If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.' And from then on he adopted the maxim, 'Napoleon is always right,' in addition to his private motto of 'I will work harder.'" Chapter 5, pages 41-42

Boxer's hard work and new motto are also seen in Chapter 6, page 45.

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13y ago

1) The song, "Beasts of England"

2) The slogan, "Four legs, good! Two legs, bad!"

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12y ago

One example would be of Boxer when he constantly yells out "Napoleon is always right!"

this basically helps Napoleon to gain face.

hope this helps.

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11y ago

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

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11y ago

Read the book. All the times napoleon convinces people everything is snowballs fault, and uses him as a scapegoat is an example of the Propaganda

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14y ago

Four legs, good! Two legs, bad!

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Q: What are some exampls of testimonial propaganda in animal farm?
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as you may or may not know, animal farm is based on the Russian revoloution. squealer represents the propoganda in russia after the revoloution, making people believe different ideas, like life was far worse before the revoloution when it wasnt.

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The poet and songwriter in Animal Farm was a pig named Minimus. He composed various poems and songs that praised the leaders of the farm, particularly Napoleon. His artistic talents were used to create propaganda to support the ruling regime.

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Animal Farm chapters 5-7?

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What is some background information on Squealer from Animal Farm?

Squealer is the pig responsible for spreading the propaganda of Napoleon to the other residents of the farm. Squealer uses his skill at jargon and speech to keep the animals firmly under napoleons control.