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some good questions would be to ask are

what was the material made out of

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Q: What are some good questions to ask about ancient Egypt clothing?
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What is a good jeopardy question for ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egypt lasted_________ long. What is true.

Who were doctors in ancient Egypt?

Good doctors

How much did laborers get paid in ancient Egypt?

There was no money in ancient Egypt so people were paid in kind in food, clothing and goods. For a labourer it would have been the barest subsistence. You would have got food but little else. There is a good chance that you and your family would not have worn any clothes.

What rights did nobles in ancient Egypt?

good rights

What goods helped Ancient Egypt raise to power?

the helped good that raised ancient Egypt power was gold, Stone's, foregrounds and minerals

Did ancient Egypt have a good security system?

yes of cores my friend told me at school he is from Egypt

What is a good introduction for an ancient Egyptian project?

Ancient Egypt was a time when many things were accomplished....

How did the delta in Egypt help the anctient people?

the delta in egypt helps the ancient egyptians by letting them have the mystery of the ancient how did they used the delta."good luck" (:

What can be found on stage and on the Nile?

- Egypt on the Nile and on stage a good representation of ancient Egypt in the opera 'Aida'.

What is a good topic sentence for an essay about ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egypt was known for their great pyramids. then ur esay... AP

Why is the yam important in Ancient Egypt?

Because it tastes so good

Why did the ancient Egypt welcomed the flooding?

Since Egypt is a dry area, flooding was good so that their crops can get water