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Solar energy is basically heat so why not heat a fluid and use it to run an electrical generator. Get a old large antenna dish and cover it with aluminized mylar. It can be constantly aimed at the sun for a small price in several ways. You can find one that tracked satellites and retrain it. At the focus a ball with the liquid flowing through it gets heated. Use it to run a steam engine or to heat the house. A half pipe approach doesn't require constant tracking. The medium flows through a pipe in a half round channel at its' focal point. As a community project for a school or community building the price could come way down. Window box heaters where you make a rectangular box with channels for heat flow. It is painted black taking air in from the room at the bottom and heated air coming out the top and into a window. Just putting a black plastic hose on your south facing roof will give you steaming hot water. Bread box heaters are very cheap. Just a black box with piping inside that heats water. Do it right and cheap you might develop a salable project. Even the "making of" book or video would be fun to make .

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14y ago

I've seen photos of solar backpacks. I'm not quite sure what they were charging, but perhaps a solar cell phone charger, or a solar radio.
Flexible solar panels/cells would probably be best for this

Can you keep the radio working inside the house?

You will find notes on the web about building solar panels out of aluminum soda cans. It would be interesting, and certainly in the sun you can feel the convection action of solar heating.

Perhaps try a solar oven. Solar cooking an egg?

A fun (but potentially more complex) project might to be to work in a team with another student to make two solar electric toy race cars. Take out the batteries and see if you can get them to run using solar panels. Then have a race.

You will have to think up the rules for the race. I.E. Should your control circuits be solar or battery (both on the car and on the remote). You probably would do better by separating the controls from the drive motor and continuing to run the controls with batteries.
Also determine a common size of cars, solar panels, etc.
Do the two people want to have matching designs (to make a race more fair), or allow each one to be more unique?

Keep in mind if you are building panels. Typical solar cells put out about 1/2 volt. A typical battery (AA, AAA, C, D) puts out about 1.5 volts, and are often arranged in series to increase volts. With solar cells, wire several in series to increase your voltage. Wire several in parallel to increase your amperage. If you wire multiple cells in series, they should all be the same size (putting out the same amps). If you wire multiple sets of cells in parallel, they should each have the same number of elements and put out the same volts.

Adding a capacitor may help get the car rolling on startup.

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10y ago

To make a solar system project from recycle materials check around your house for supplies. Empty toilet paper rolls and tops from plastic bottles can be used. You can also use your imagination for other items that would be useful in your project.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these resources geothermal and Biomass and Hydro power and solar and wind?

the advantages of solar power system, over geothermal, biomass, and hydro, are a) availability- the sun which is one of the most important success factor in solar is always abundantly available, than in theses other power system. b) clean and cheap-the externalities of all these mentioned power sources are not clean or cheap, their after effect costs much more than what is paid by the consumers c) environmental impact- only solar power system is environmental friendly in all the above mentioned sources of power, green gas, damage to agriculture land, ecological imbalances, from all of them can only be imagined. d)running and maintenance- cost of running and maintenance of solar power system is near zero, while all other for these power system, their running and maintenance cost increases as they get older. i wish you can get my exposition on power systems compared, it answers this question in detail, with dates, tables and graphs.

How feasible is solar power generation?

Solar power generation is hard to get with a preexisting home for a low cost. Solar panels are possible, but they are expensive. A passive solar home uses the sun's energy both in winter and summer to heat or cool the house.

Is solar power good solar power?

yes ofcourse solar power is good in many ways. some good reasons for using solar energy to power your home. 1. Cut-down electricity bill The key reason that most households convert their power source to solar energy is to cut down their electrical bill because the electrical usage generated from the sun is free. By converting as many home appliances as possible to use solar energy, you can save a significant savings in your utilities expenses. 2. It is a renewable energy source Typical electricity is generated from fossil fuel that will run out one day. Solar energy is a good alternative to replace fossil fuel as the major energy source because solar power is renewable at absolutely no cost to supply energy infinitely. 3. Environment friendly The world pollution is getting worse. Any effort that can reduce the pollution to the environment helps to save the earth. Solar panels are able to harness the energy from the sun and convert it to electricity. Therefore, the use of solar panels is environment friendly. Therefore, solar energy that is harmless to the environment will be the major energy source for future - starting today. 4. Low / no maintenance needed Once you have installed the solar power system, it can last twenty to thirty years without major maintenance needed. You may need to do system check once a year, just to make sure everything is performing as it should. Since it requires very minimum maintenance cost, your cost should be minimal.

Are solar panels good or bad?

Solar panels are good for relatively low-power applications where getting a supply from the grid would be costly or difficult. For example, remote buildings, signs, temporary or mobile equipment. In residential applications, however, compared to the cost of electricity from the grid, the power generated by solar panels is not sufficient to pay for the cost of the panels and their installation.

How is light energy used?

When using solar energy as a power source there are no fuel requirements to be fulfilled. Solar systems cause no pollution, they live a long life and have a high reliability together with a very low maintenance. The use of solar systems requires no supervision and provides low running costs. We can also locate a solar power generator at a very remote site. Disadvantages of solar energy: Using solar systems involves high capital cost, as large investments have to be made in buying the equipment. If power is needed 24 hours a day (or at night) battery storage is required, which also involves capital investments. The performance of a solar system is weather-dependent.

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How much would small solar panels for science experiments cost?

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What is a residential solar power project in the US?

A residential solar power project in the US is a project within a particular residential area or street to equip each house with solar panels. This helps reduce harmful emissions and reduces the cost of running a home.

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What is the cost per kilowatt hour of solar generation?

I am not 100% certain I understand the question you have asked. In the UK: a 2 k.wh system would cost 8500 a 3 k.wh system would cost 10850 a 4 k.wh system would cost 12700 All solar in the UK is subject to 5% VAT.

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How much does it cost to install a basic solar energy system for my home in Arizona?

It costs about $2000 to $5000 install a basic solar energy system for your home in Arizona. You can find more information at

How much do wind turbines cost in pounds?

The cost of solar panels and solar systems vary a great deal based on the size and usage of the panels and the size of the system installed. Based on what solar experts call the average home system, one could expect to spend around 6,000 pounds.

Maintenance cost for a solar panels system?

Well it depends if you have great hands solar panels are hard things to maintain but I would say yes

How much would it cost to run a home on solar panel?

The cost of your solar system is directly related to how many kilowatts your home uses each month. That is what determines how much power you wish to generate.

Is solar power efficient in Gary IN?

Solar Radiation in Gary Indiana is about 2.5 kWh per square metre per day. Solar power systems can last 30 years. For a 1 kW solar system about 25230 kWh will be generated over its lifetime. Variable include cost of solar installation and cost of electricity from the grid.