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Do you really love them? Did they give you way for a good reason like did they give you away cause they couldn't take care of you ? Do they ever think of how it would be if they keep you? Would they want you to me in there lives now? That is a extremely personal issue which only the individual involved in the situation should decide. One very important factor would be, obtaining the medical history. For instance if there is a family history of cancer or genetic/hereditary disease.

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Q: What are some important questions that adult adopties need to ask their birth parents?
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You are an adult - and adults make adult decisions. Where is the father of your baby? Tell him he needs to step up and be an adult too. Then, tell your parents what your "adult" solution is.

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If the parents own the car then yes. If the adult child owns the car then no.

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well yes and no actually. because during the marriage, the parents have to be there to allow their underage child to get married,and there has to be a written agreement by the parents. if their isn't, then yes, the adult marrying the underage child will have charges against him or her.The marriage actually cannot happen without the parents there,which is most important.

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There are over 5 million adult sons and daughters living with their parents in Kenya alone.

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