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Propaganda can be anything, theoretically speaking.

Propaganda is the use of words, manipulation, pictures or anything relating to one of the senses that make us think the way the person wants us to think.

Propaganda is manipulation, essentially.



Words, and countless others. These, however, are just the main ones.

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Some commonly used propaganda devices are name calling, emotional stereotyping, bandwagon, and card stacking.

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Q: Different methods of propaganda
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What is comparison propaganda?

comparison propaganda is when in advertising you compare your product to another product the same as yours but a different company. it is saying that yours is better than the other one.

What part of speech is propaganda?

Propaganda is a noun.

Why is it important for students to learn propanganda?

Words are powerful tools. Propaganda is the improper use of those same words to promote a certain agenda. Students should be aware of what propaganda looks like, the hidden subtleties of "reasonable" arguments, and how to counteract these hidden time bombs. If an educated person is not carefully indoctrinated to the various ways that propaganda can be used, he is unprepared to counter it with truth. Protection of freedom is one very important reason that students should be familiar with the propaganda methods. The phrase "tickling ears" is especially appropriate because without solid facts, propaganda seems to be a logical reasonable argument to further a cause.

What are the different research methods?

direct observation, experiment and interview.

How to do propaganda using the internet?

Propaganda in the internet is the target of the Marketing Specialists on these days. It is growing very fast since there are now effective and methods to announce products and also, to measure the results of the Marketing campaigns. The most effective I heard is the Google Adwords. Google is making the most of its money by offering the AdWords marketing product to their customers.

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What are the recruitment methods for World War 1?

The main recruitment method was propaganda posters

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What is the nature of a propaganda movement?

A propaganda movement is the deliberate, systematic attempt to influence large numbers of peoples' perceptions, influence and change their views, and manipulate their behavior to achieve a response that furthers the group's goals who are using this technique. For methods used in a propaganda movement, see the Related Question.

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There are different methods for different sports ! Common method is exercising.

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enumerate the different methods in preserving food

What methods have fascist leaders used to acquire and maintain power?

Propaganda, military police, a big army, and great manipulation skills.

Is advertising different from propaganda?

I think Propaganda is only in the case of war. And adevrtising is all the time, i hope this helps

How do you control HIV and AIDS in Bangladesh?

You need awareness, vast propaganda about methods of sex, free distribution of condoms and many other programs!

What methods did Hitler use to stay in power?

Hitler used several methods to stay in power including fear, propaganda, and pride. Much of the country, especially the military, where quickly drawn into the false hope of a Utopian society.

What do you mean by methods and irrigation?

methods of irrigation means the different methods by which u can perform agriculture(farming).

What is comparison propaganda?

comparison propaganda is when in advertising you compare your product to another product the same as yours but a different company. it is saying that yours is better than the other one.