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Having a one year old baby, it is not too long ago that I gave birth. There are immediate after efeects, and some that take a more longer term approach! The immediate: *Depending on whether you had drugs during the birth, if you did you will most likely feel extremely sick and probably vomit, and stay quite drowsy for an hour. This means you will be less likely to hold your baby straight away nor be able to breastfeed it there and then (as you will be too woosey). This happened to me. Also, you will be very bruised and sore on your arms/hands from where they have jabbed you a million times to get the drugs in! (Even if you only have Gas and Air you will probably still be sick. Unfortunately I do not know what happens after a c section or an epidural(my birth was very straight forward). But as soon as it is gone you feel 100%, and it only takes about 1 hour. *The most noticeable after effect is the soreness around the area where the baby exited! Your perineum. I did not have to have it cut, nor did it split, therefore I had no stitches, but it was still extremely sore and uncomfortable to sit on. It is worse when you go to urinate, the urine burns the sensitive skin. So I combatted this by drinking large amounts of water so my urine was nearly water itslef. Also, standing slightly to pee over the toilet helps, or even going whilst in the bath(gross I know but trust me you won't care!) *You also become strangely emotional, as all the new hormones start to kick the old ones out. This is very normal, and not so bad. Just remember that if it starts to get on top of you, talk to someone, husband, mum, sis, health visitor, midwife. *If you are going to breast feed you breasts will be ok, a little uncomfortable whilst your body gets used to the amount of milk the baby is taking. If you are not going to breast feed, be prepared for your breasts to swell up, and feel as solid as rocks. They will also go lumpy, which if not looked after can lead to mastitis. This is very uncomfortable, but unfortunatley I do not know how long it lasts as I breast fed. I do know what it feels like to have them swell up and become like rocks, as I dropped a feed later on around 11 months, and didn't do it properly. My breast swelled up, and I ended up expressing the milk myself over my mums bath as it was getting quite painfull. The idea is to do it slowly, a little at a time! *You also seem to sweat alot, which also dies down after a few months. So don't worry. *The next one lasts a bit longer. Even if you did your pelvic floor exercises you will still notice that you can not hold your bladder as full for as long! So when you need to go, go then, because chances are you won't make it. And when you sneeze, laugh too hard, run upstairs you are most likely going to notice that you have gone to the toilet right there and then without knowing! So keep on with the pelvic floors, they get stronger - just avoid trampolines trust me! Also, and nice side effect is that your hair seems like you've just step out of a 4day intensive nourishment treatment, and you nails are lovely and strong and long! Your eyes are brighter, and your skin is really healthy! The thing is, you forget all this stuff once it is over, it is just a distant memory, and what you have left is a beautiful baby! what a lovely answer. I am a midwife, and Mum of twins. Tired, tired tired. Both immediately and for several months afterwards. You may find that your emotions are a little raw, everything seems much more intensely coloured. If you find that the colour is dark however do talk to someone as you may be heading for depression. A few tears are normal however, usually as you contemplate hgoiw lucky you are. If anyone asks if they can help, say YES as quickly as you can. Visitors can make their own cup of tea/coffee. If someone offers to do the shopping have a list ready. If they can do the ironing, you can still chat while they do it. Make a sign saying "All help greatfully received and rewarded with a baby cuddle." If the Dad wants to help, show him what to do and leave him to get on with it while you have a nap.

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I became pregnant 2 weeks after I gave birth to my son. My symptoms were EXTREME fatigue, tiredness, and a positive pregnancy test.

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Q: What are some signs of being pregnant after giving birth?
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