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Some positive aspects of his personality as revealed in various stories about him:

  • fatherly
  • caring, i.e. renowned for protecting and saving others
  • considerate i.e. supporter and defender of the rights of plaintiffs in legal cases
  • able to judge fairly ('Lord of Justice')
  • peacemaker
  • able to replace chaos with order ('Kosmetas', an 'orderer')
  • supporter of others rights e.g. 'Eleutherios', a guarantor of political rights.

Some negative aspects of his personality:

  • Suspecting overthrow from a second child, he ate his first love, Metis, before she could produce him another child! Personality trait? Capable of cannibalism, murdering and eating his beloved wife in the face of potential personal threat to his rule. Personality trait? Control freak, and horrendously vile and nasty?
  • Zeus had many children from relationships and affairs with many goddesses and mortal women. Personality traits? Polygamous? Promiscuous?
  • His seduction techniques included kidnapping, and also disguising himself as something else in order to satisfy his desires. Personality traits? Selfishly devious, known for using his charm and powers for his own ends, hence untrustworthy.
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Q: What are some personality traits of the greek god Zeus?
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