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There is nothing positive about abuse. Taking away a child's right to express their sexuality and even denying their sexuality is abuse. Some parents have even gone so far as to beat their children when they attempt to express their sexuality.

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Q: What are some positive things about child abuse?
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What books can prevent child abuse?

Some of the books that are helpful in preventing child abuse are "Understanding Child Abuse & Neglect", "Child Abuse: Implications for Child Development and Psychopathology (Development Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry)", and "Child Abuse and Culture: Working with Diverse Families".

What are some websites that are helping the fight against child abuse?

Some websites helping the fight against child abuse include Safe Network, Prevent Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Young Minds, Parents Protect, Stop if Now UK, and Child Help.

Will child abuse end?

I hope that child abuse will end, but I am afraid it may not, because in some places, people do not see child abuse as being a terrible thing.

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Do you believe in forgiveness?

I believe people make mistakes which should be forgiven. But some things are not meant to be forgiven such as murder or child abuse.

Is circumcision child abuse?

Some people think it is.

Where is child abuse illegal?

Anywhere there is a child and someone who could abuse them but its most commonly found in the child's home.

Thesis example about child abuse?

A. Research advertises there are many effects of child abuse; some are long-lasting while other is short term.

Why do we have child abuse?

Because, some parents get out of control and hurt you.

What are the legal issues for child abuse?

Legal issues regarding child abuse generally revolve around what counts as child abuse and what doesn't. For example, some people consider spanking child abuse while others consider it an acceptable form of punishment. Constitutional protections of the parent-child relationship and privacy in the home must also be legally balanced with the welfare of the child.

What are the example of emotional abuse?

that is when lets say you have depression and are suicidal and some person is way rude and uses your weakness to their advantage. or abuse that damages you in the way you think...Emotional abuse is the cornerstone of all the abuses because emotional abuse is always present during physical child abuse, child neglect, and sexual child abuse, and it is the only abuse that can stand on its own. It does not have to accompany any of the other abuses. Emotional child abuse is defined as the constant attack of a child or youth by an adult that negatively affects the child or youth's self-worth. It is important to note here the word 'constant'. With emotional abuse, the child/youth receives only negative messages, nothing positive. what is the difference between emotional and mental abuse does this kind of abuse result in mental illness like bi-polar psychosis in youth and adulthood

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