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Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

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Shark is just a whitefish. Use any recipe that calls for cod, halibut, or any other delicately flavoured fish.

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Don't eat my bois!

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Q: What is the diet of Hammerhead Sharks?
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What eat a hammerhead?

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

What is the diet of sharks?

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

What is a hammerhead sharcks diet?

fish, squid, octopus, crustaceans, and other sharks. Stingrays are a favorite.

What hammerhead sharks eat?

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

Hammerheads eat what?

hammerhead sharks can be eaten be octopus or bigger sharks NOT BIGGER SHARKS ONLY OCTOPUSES

Do white sharks eat hammerhead sharks?

White sharks are opportunistic eaters. They will attack and eat a hammerhead.

What kind of fish do the hammerhead sharks eat?

There are no animals that eat hammerhead sharks because they are at the top of the food chain. Humans do eat hammerhead sharks and in some countries are considered to be somewhat of a delicacy.

How heavy are hammerhead sharks?

Hammerhead sharks can weigh from 500 pounds to 1,000 pounds

What is the hammerhead sharks food?

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

What is the hammerhead sharks feeding habits?

Hammerhead Sharks favorite food is a Sting Ray. They use their hammer like heads to pin the Ray down on the ocean floor and eat it bite by bite. The Ray does not sting them though because they ar immune to the electricity. electric shock.

What is a hammerhead sharks habitat it is the color blue?

hammerhead sharks can be found in warmer and tropical waters.

Do hammerhead sharks migrate?

Hammerhead sharks migrate so they can move to warmer climate to breed.