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Although it is between gods, Zeus is notorious for incest, as he is married to Hera, his sister.

He has cheated on her countless times, in the meantime committing such acts as bestiality. Some of his girlfriends are as follows:

Gaia: with whom Orion and the Manes were formed.

Leto: the mother of Apollo and Artemis

Maia: mother of hermes

There are many more divine consorts.

Mortal consorts:

Alcmene: mother of Hercules

Danae: mother of perseus

Leda: mother of Castor and Pollux, the twins

Others included Electra, Io, Semele (whom he killed when he revealed his entire divine presence to her at her request, and sewed their unborn child, Dionysus, into his own side), and even Pandora!

If you wish to further charge him, as you might a mortal:

Zeus murdered Salmoneus for impersonating him

Blinded the seer Phineus

Turned a thief of one of Zeus' childhood objects (I think it was a guard dog) to stone

Threw Hera's ugly child (Haephestus) off of Mt. Olympus. Quite literally, by some accounts. (Ugly baby! I'ma throw you down a mountain!)

Zeus also forced his father to throw up (a rock he thought was Zeus, followed by zeus' siblings, which Chronus had eaten), OR he eviscerated his own father, still: he rebelled and committed violent acts against a family member.

Zeus is also guilty of cruel and unusual punishment, in addition to his treatment to his son, Haephestus, he imprisoned some Titans for eternity, and forced one (Atlas) to hold up the sky for all time.


Zeus raped Hera

Zeus raped his consorts (including Electra and Io)

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