

Best Answer


  • Both of these religions believe in one creator, God.
  • Both of these religions have a book, and teach about God and his connection to the human world, for example by angels and prophets.
  • Muslims and Jews both believe in many Prophets such as Abraham and Moses.
  • Neither can eat pork and various other animals.
  • Both Jews and Muslims deny that Jesus is 'Divine' or the 'son of God'.
  • Both believe that at least at one point in history Israel was the chosen nation by God.
  • The holy book of Judaism is called the Torah. The holy book of Islam is called the Qur'an.
  • Muslims believe that there are some more prophets such as Jesus and Muhammad, whereas Jews reject both.
  • Muslims believe that Muhammad is the "Seal of all prophets". Jew don't except that.
  • The Muslim diet is much less restricted than the Jewish diet.
  • Muslims believe that God had abandoned the nation of Israel as a result of their sins. Jew believe that their covenant with God can never be broken.

The similarities is the house of Abraham.The difference is,Jews believe that Issac was the son to get the birthright.The Muslims believe it was Ismael was the one to inherit their fathers blessing.

Answer 2

The similarities between the Law of Moses and the Law of Muhammad are too many to write about. There are many many things which are the same. It would be easier to talk about the few differences.

From a Muslim's point of view: the Law given to Moses was not supposed to be ONLY for the Jews. the Jews were supposed to live by that Law, and also spread it to all people. Moses brought a Message from the One God which was supposed to be for everyone to adopt. But the Jews, eventually, stopped seeking out people to enter into the Law - they ended up keeping it only to themselves.

Moses, Jesus and many other prophets spoke about the coming of someone called "The Messenger of the Covenant". This last Prophet was to come and establish a final Message, a final Law - for all Mankind. The Message was to be the same basic Message given to all the Prophets, but the difference is that this Message would be the last Law for Mankind. Muslims believe that Moses, Jesus, and the rest, were speaking of Muhammad. You can do a search on the Web of the words: "Muhammad in The Bible".

Five centuries after Jesus, Muhammad came with a Revelation from God that brought people back to the original religion of Abraham. It contains many rulings that agree with the Law of Moses. In fact, the Message of Muhammad - the Qur'an - is a Message that: "Confirms the previous Scriptures, and protects them from error".

They are both Abrahamic religions. Both forbid the eating of pork.

Main Similarities:

  • Monotheism: Worshiping same God as the one and only one God
  • Morals: calling for same morals as not cheating, not killing, not stealing, not doing fornication, taking care of orphans, .. etc
  • believing in Torah and God prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, ..., Joseph, Jacob, David, Solomon, ..., and Moses.

Main Differences:

  • Judaism don't believe in Jesus and Muhammad as God prophets. Islam do believe
  • Judaism don't believe in Quran as God holy book. Islam do believe
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Answer 1

There are many differences, but here are some common ones:
The holy book of Judaism is called the Torah. The holy book of Islam is called the Qur'an. Muslims believe that Jesus and Muhammad were prophets, whereas Jews reject both. The Muslim diet is slightly less restricted than the Jewish diet, with the exception that Islam forbids alcohol and Judaism permits it. Muslims believe that we are servants of God. Jews believe that we are (also) partners with God. Muslims believe in total submission to God. Jews believe (when appropriate) in challenging God and even arguing with God.

Answer 2

Islam considers itself the perfection of the Jewish and Christian traditions.

Jews consider the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) as their fundamental text, documenting the covenant between God and the Jewish people. For Muslims, the holy text is the Koran, which records the teachings of God to Mohammed.

Although Islam tolerates other monotheistic faiths, it considers Islam the only true faith. Judaism recognizes the legitimacy of other faiths for non-Jews (although it considers Judaism the only proper religion for Jews).

Answer 3

The differences are very small - and very major - at the same time.

Jews and Muslims agree on many things -

1) The Absolute Oneness and Uniqueness of G-d (Elohim, Allah).

2) Salvation is through the Law and its commands.

In fact, the Law of Moses and the Qur'an of Muhammad (plus his sayings) are in agreement on many minute details. Muslims say that the same G-d who gave the Torah to Moses, later gave His Law in a new book - the Qur'an.

One significant difference between the two is that the Bible was excludes Ishmael from the Covenant of Abraham (Genesis 21:12).

Muslims say that Ishmael was the chief inheritor to the Covenant; hence, Muhammad too.

Answer 4

Both religions believe in one God, and have somewhat similar dietary laws and other customs, but the two religions are actually quite different. Judaism does not believe in proselytizing. Islam does. Judaism does not believe that it is the only path to God for all humanity. Islam does. Judaism does not recognize Muhammad as a prophet. In Islam, Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet. Judaism does not put daily emphasis on the afterlife. Islam does. Islam teaches total submission to God. Judaism teaches the value of questioning, debating, and challenging (the word "Israel" means "struggle with the divine"). Judaism as a religion makes no commentary about Islam. Islam, on the other hand, sees Judaism as an imperfect forerunner to itself.

Answer 5

Muslims accept prophet Jesus as the Messiah. Jews reject Jesus as a prophet or Messiah and also reject Mohammad as a prophet.

Answer 6

Muslims accept that Jesus was a prophet and the Messiah, but they do not accept Christian Christology (i.e. the Divinity of Christ, the Trinity, the Son of God, etc.). Jewish people believe that Jesus was an ordinary human being. The Jewish faith recognizes that the Messiah is to come, but they don't believe that Jesus is that Messiah.

The primary issue dividing Jews and Muslims is an ancient issue involving jealousy and sibling rivalry. It begins with Abraham, who was told by God that he would be the "father of a multitude" or "father of many nations". This seemed odd because Abraham and his wife Sarah were in their 80's and his wife was barren. After some years, Sarah offered her housemaid, Hagar, to Abraham so that he could have children. From this union, Ishmael was born. Prior to Ishmael's birth, the relationship between Sarah and Hagar had once become volatile (Genesis ch.16) and Hagar had left the home, still pregnant. An angel of God appeared to her and told her (ibid) that her son "shall be a wild man, his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen." Ishmael became the ancestor from whom the Muslims came.

Later (Genesis ch.18), after God and three angels appeared to Abraham, Sarah got pregnant and had a son, Isaac (Genesis ch.21). Once Sarah had her son Isaac, she no longer tolerated Hagar and Ishmael's presence and told Abraham to throw them out. God agreed (Gen. ch.21). Isaac, after a long story of his own (Gen. ch.26), continued living in Canaan and is regarded as one of the 3 patriarchs of the Israelites (Abraham, Isaac and Isaac's son Jacob).

So, in short, while Abraham is the father of both the Jews and Ishmaelites (Arabs), his oldest 2 sons (by different women) are where the two peoples split, and the hatred of the mothers continues, as the wars between Israelites and Arabs have not ended.

Answer 7

Both believe in a single God, called Elohim by the Jews and Allah by Muslims. Biggest difference is that Islam follows the teachings of Prophet Mohammad from his holy book the Qur'an (Koran). Jews continue to follow the teachings of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and do not recognize the Qur'an as a holy book. Another difference is that Islam teaches that it is a good thing to let others know about Islam and its fundamentals so that they can make their choice of faith on sound grounds and correct information. Judaism does not proselytize. Instead, Jews actually dissuade people from converting to Judaism and, for Gentiles who do insist on becoming Jewish, Jews require of them anywhere from 1 to 6 years of study so that the potential convert has full knowledge and understanding of what they are committing to before they convert.

Answer 8

Since Judaism predates Islam by approximately 2000 years, the real question is how does Islam differ from Judaism.

Examples of ways that Islam is different from Judaism are:

Islam accepts both Jesus and Muhammad as prophets while Judaism doesn't accept either. Islam's main religious text is the Qu'ran, which isn't considered a valid religious text for Jews according to Judaism. Islam forbids the consumption or handling of any items that come from a pig while in Judaism, pigs are just one of countless animals that are not allowed as food. Islam forbids the consumption of alcohol in any form while Judaism uses wine as part of Sabbath and festival meals and does not prohibit the moderate consumption of other alcoholic drinks (unless it doesn't meet the requirements of the Jewish dietary laws).

Another of the fundamental differences between Islam and Judaism is that Islam calls for submission to God. In direct contrast, Judaism requires its followers to always question everything; the basis for this being the many times in the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) that the prophets argued with God.

Muslim Comments on Answer 8

Just two comments on the good information under Answer 8 above:

Islam in its root sense means full submission to God (same God in Judaism and Christianity). In this context, Islam dates back to the universe creation date and was the message of all God prophets since Adam through Noah,..., Abraham,..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad; peace be upon them. However, Islam per Torah revelation to Moses is called Judaism, Islam per Bible revelation to Jesus is called Christianity, and Islam per Quran revelation to Muhammad is called same name, Islam. Pigs are in Islam and Judaism forbidden only for food. For example surgery threads may be fabricated from pig tissues and used by Jewish or Muslim physicians and patients.

Answer 9

The largest differences are as follows: Islam teaches that Jesus and Muhammad were messengers of God. Judaism rejects both. Islam teaches that it is the only truth. (Christianity also teaches this). Judaism teaches that the righteous of ALL nations will have a share in the world to come. Both Islam and Christianity have had a long history of killing non-believers. Jews do not. Islam has a philosophy of total submission to God; Judaism has a philosophy of struggling with God.

Answer 10

In the Islamic view, Islam is the continuation of Judaism. It was mentioned in the Jewish Holy book that the last prophet Mohammad would come at a later date. He came but the Jewish people do not accept him. If they did then there would be no difference between these two religions.

Comment on answer 10:

Note that Mohammed is not actually mentioned in the Jewish Holy books; this is only an interpretation. Also note that the Christians make the exact same claim about Judaism.

The major differences are:

Jews believe we are partners with God. Muslims believe we are servants of God. Muslims believe in eternal punishment. Jews do not. Muslims believe Jewish teachings are flawed. Jews do not make religious doctrines about other religions. Muslims pray 5 times a day. Orthodox Jews (and some non-orthodox Jews) pray 3 times a day and 4 on the Sabbath. Jews believe it is okay to argue with God or challenge God. Muslims believe in total submission to God. Jews follow the teachings of the Torah. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur'an. Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet. Jews do not.

Answer 11

Islam, like Christianity, accepts the Jewish Bible and is based largely upon Jewish ideas and traditions. The philosophical underpinnings of Islam are more closely aligned with those of Judaism than with Christianity. Whereas Christianity incorporates the idea of the trinity, Judaism and Islam believe in one all-powerful, infinite God.

Mohammed, the founder of Islam, based many of his beliefs on the practices of the local Jewish population in his native Mecca. For example, the Moslem practices of not eating pork, circumcision, daily prayer and annual fasts were culled directly from Judaism.

Since Islam was so similar to Judaism, Mohammed assumed the Jews would accept this new religion. When the Jews did not, he turned violently against them and many Jews died by the sword. (We are still suffering from this today; may there be peace soon.)

The real difference between the two religions, however, lies in their basis for belief. Judaism is based on the unique historical event of a Divine revelation experienced by the entire nation. Islam is based on the prophetic claims of an individual who then convinced others to follow his ways.

Jewish tradition says that while Abraham's son Isaac became the forefather of the Jewish people, the Islamic line is descended from Abraham's other son Ishmael.

Maimonides states that the popularity of Christianity and Islam are part of God's plan to spread the ideals of Torah throughout the world. This moves society closer to a perfected state of morality and toward a greater understanding of God. All of this is in preparation for the Messianic age.

Answer 12

Judaism focuses on God and they believe he will send them a messiah.

Islam focuses on the five pillars and complete faith in Allah.

Followers of Judaism don't believe in Muhammad as God's prophet and they believe in Moses as God's chief prophet. Followers of Islam believe in bothMoses and Muhammad. Followers of Judaism don't believe in the Quran as God's holy book. They believe in the Torah. Followers of Islam believe in both. Followers of Judaism don't believe in Jesus as a prophet. Followers of Islam believe in Jesus as one of the greatest prophets.

Answer 13

It is usual to say that Abraham is the father of the three godly religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) worshiped God; and called his people to worship God as the one and only God with no partner, no companion and no equivalent. That is the basic principle of Islam in its universal concept, as full submission to God the Creator, and full surrender to His will, with the belief that God is to be worshiped with no partner or associate. Accordingly, it is not a matter of race or DNA. Refer to question below for more information.

Answer 14

From Holy Quran 2:140

"Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants were Jews or Christians? Say, "Are you more knowing or is Allah?" And who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do." - Islam was right from the beginning... even Adam was a muslim!

Answer 15

Islam in its universal sense is God's religion since the universe and mankind's creation. Islam means full submission to Allah (or God in English and the same God worshiped in Judaism and Christianity). Islam per the Torah's revelation to Moses is called Judaism, Islam per the Bible's revelation to Jesus is called Christianity. Islam per the Quran's revelation to Muhammad is called the same name Islam as Islam is the last-revealed religion of God. There are more common features between Judaism and Islam than differences. However, the main differences are: The Prophet of Islam per the Quran's revelation is prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The prophet of Judaism per the Torah's revelation is Moses. Muslims believe in all of God's prophets, starting from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Jews don't believe in Jesus or Muhammad as prophets. Prophet Abraham (or Ibrahim) is considered Muslim (in Islam's universal sense, as he submitted fully to God). Jews consider Abraham as the founder of Judaism. Muslims submit fully to God and His will. Jews argue with God and consider themselves as partners and challengers to God. Muslims believe in all of God's holy books including the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran. Jews don't believe in the Quran as God's revealed holy book.

Answer 16

Islam's founding prophet is Muhammad. Judaism's founding prophet is Moses.

There have been about 1,24,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all). Each one preached Islam, the ONENESS (Tauheed) being the basic pillar or faith. The last Prophet being Hazrat Muhammad SAW. The Jews don't believe in the prophehod of Hazrat Jesus Christ (May peace upon him), nor do they believe in the prohethood of Hazrat Muhammad SAW.

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8y ago

Answer 1

C = Christianity, J = Judaism, and I = Islam:

Book: Bible (Christians), Tanach (Judaism), Q'uran (Islam)

Place of worship: Church (C), Synagogue (J), Mosque (I)

Deity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy spirit (C), HaShem(J), Allah (I)

Important People: Jesus Christ (C), Moses, Priest, Abraham, the major prophets (J), Muhammed & all the prophets (I).

Day of worship: Sunday (C), Everday (Saturday is the Sabbath) (J), Everyday (Friday; special day) (I).

Service by: Minister, Pastor, or Reverend (C), Rabbi (J), Imam (I).

Religious expectations: Pray, help each other, go to church (C), Pray 3x's a day, work to improve the world(J), Pray 5 times a day, give to the poor, Fast, pilgrimage to Mecca (I).

Salvation: Through Jesus Christ (C), N/A (J), Good works & belief (I).

Answer 2

They all come from Abraham and his sons Ishmael and Isaac.

Here are some of the key differences between Jewish and Christian beliefs:

Judaism: is lineage-based, and is a tribal faith. You are Jewish if your mother is Jewish - or you convert to Judaism, when you are then 'adopted' by the Jewish people.

Christianity is a belief based religion. If a person affirms belief in and worship of Jesus, and the other core Christian beliefs of their particular Christian group, they are welcomed as a member.

Judaism says that no human can ever die for the sins of others

Christianity says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind

Judaism says that all humans are born pure, and innocent

Christianity says that all humans are born with 'original sin'.

Judaism says that no man gets a 'second coming'

Christianity says that Jesus will have a 'second coming'

Judaism says that every human should speak directly to G-d

Christianity - Jesus claims in the 'New Testament' that the 'only way' to the Father is via him

Judaism says G-d is one, indivisible, cannot be separated into three aspects/incarnations

Christianity speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - who are one

Judaism says that we are all equally G-d's children

Christianity says that Jesus is 'God's son' above all others

Judaism has no concept of 'hell'

Christianity - Most Christians say that non believers go to 'hell'

Judaism has no 'devil', the Jewish 'satan' is just an ordinary angel, under G-d's control

Christianity describes 'satan' as a devil and 'fallen' angel

Judaism - the 'messiah' will be a normal, mortal man who must fulfill all the Jewish messianic prophecies in one normal, mortal lifetime

Christianity - Jesus was the 'messiah' and will fulfill the prophecies when he returns

Judaism says that the righteous of all faiths will reach 'gan eden' or 'garden of eden'.

Christianity - Most Christians insist that only those who 'know Christ' can reach heaven

Judaism forbids Jews from trying to convert anyone to Judaism

Christianity believes in actively 'witnessing' and encouraging people to convert to Christianity

Answer 3

All these religions have a holy book. Judaism has the Torah, Christianity has the Bible (combination of the Torah(Old Testament) and gospels) and Islam has the Qu'ran (Torah, gospels and revelations to Mohammed combined). The Torah is an account of the important events in the history of Judaism usually with references to the interventions of God and the laying down of teachings.

The Gospels are an account of the life of Jesus of Nazareth who is considered the God and messiah by Christians but as only a prophet by the other two. The revelations to Mohammed are believed by Muslims to be the actual, exact words spoken to Mohammed by God.

Christianity can be considered a sub-group of Judaism. It is essentially the same religion but with a much higher emphasis on the life of Jesus. The main differences stem from the teachings of Jesus, importantly the establishment of a New Covenant which means that the old Jewish laws no longer apply (eg: there are no Christian dietary laws).

Islam considers the Bible and Torah to be genuine revelations from God however it emphasizes that these texts have been altered over the centuries and are therefore highly imperfect. To remedy this they believe that God sent one final revelation to Mohammed which was written down very soon and unchanged since his time.

These religions all have their roots in a much older Proto-Jewish religion. They all believe in one God and have even agreed amongst themselves that it is the same God.

Answer 4

Each of these 3 is really an umbrella group uniting all the individual sects of the various religions. To list all the similarities and differences of each sect would be a major task (differences between Sunni Islam an Anglican Christianity, similarities between Lutheran Christianity and Messianic Judaism) there are just too many.

Answer 5

Similarities-- same God; the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures are recognized--Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Muslims believe that Mohammed is the most important prophet. The Jews and the Christians both recognize the Hebrew Scriptures. The Christians also have the Greek Scriptures. The Muslims use the Koran as their main religious book. Jews have other writings as well such as the Talmud and the Zohar.

They all have a similar ethical system--helping the poor, the importance of universal justice, fearing God.

Answer 6

Christianity- many types, many different types of versions of bible. some believe Jesus is god, some believe Jesus is god.

Islam- 1 god Allah, Muslims have one Qur'an, believe Jesus as a prophet, also believe in Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Noah etc but as prophets.

Answer 7


All three religions are monotheistic and were derived in the Middle East.

All 3 religions preach tolerance and love and basically to be a good person.


1. Judaism is based on national revelation, not a single prophet.

Christianity is based on the revelation of God through Jesus

Islam is based on the revelation of God through Mohammad.

2. Both Christianity and Islam are single truth religions, these religions teach that they are the only path to God.

Judaism is pluralistic meaning that Judaism teaches there are different paths for different people, Judaism happens to be the path to God for Jews.

3. Christianity and Islam both have the devil. hell, and eternal damnation, Judaism does not accept any of these concepts.

4. Christianity requires intermediaries between man and God, Judaism and Islam do not require intermediaries, God hears the prayers of man directly.

5. Judaism and Islam do not allow an icons (statues or pictures of man or attempts to give God a physical form) in places of worship in religious practice of any kind while many Christian denomination does incorporate such items in its worship.

6. Some denominations of Christianity are Trinitarian. Both Judaism and Islam consider the Trinity concept to not be true monotheism.

Judaism and Christianity are from God. Islam is from a false prophet.

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10y ago

Some similarities are that both Islam and Christianity believe in the prophets such as Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus (Peace be upon them all).

They both share some moral values such as love thy neighbor, cherish life, feed the poor. etc.

Both are Abrahamic faiths, and are both monotheistic.

The difference lies mostly in how Jesus and Muhammad are viewed.

Christianity is a triune monotheistic religion. Its form of monotheism can be summarized in the following seven points:

1. The Father is God

2. The Son is God

3. The Holy Spirit is God

4. The Father is not the Son

5. The Son is not the Holy Spirit

6. The Holy Spirit is not the Father

7. There is only one God

Christianity rejects Muhammad as a messenger of God.

Christianity believes Jesus died on the cross and Islam rejects this.

Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion; it teaches that Jesus was a messenger of God, much like Moses, Noah, etc. God is one in Islam, with no partners or children. Islam also teaches that Muhammad was the last of the messengers.

Some differences between Christianity and Islam:· Christians have the same God who revealed to Abraham, Moses and other Jewish prophets as JEHOVAH. Islam has Allah as God and has never revealed as Jehovah or as Father as Jesus taught.

· In Christianity, Jesus came and died for sinners as prophesied by the Jewish prophets. In Islam, Jesus did not die but taken to heaven.

· Love your enemies is the Christian teaching. Islam does not teach to love non-Muslims.

· Christianity has a savior Jesus Christ who saves them from sins and hell punishment. Islam does not have a savior but has only messengers who died just like regular humans.

· Marrying another person while your spouse is living is adultery according to Christian teaching. Islam does not consider this as a sin (following Muhammad's example).

· Christianity offers a heaven with the presence of Lord Jesus. Islam offers a heaven with milk, vine and virgins.

· Jesus is the Son of God in Christianity as revealed in OT. Jesus is just a messenger in Islam even though Jesus is unique in Quran.

· Christianity found in the New Testament has no rituals. Islam has a lot of rituals including reciting in Arabic you do not understand and kissing the black stone at Kaaba.

· Christians are called children of God. Muslims are the slaves of Allah.

· Christians worship God in spirit and no directional worship. Muslims worship Allah by turning towards Kaaba in Mecca.

· New Testament teaches Jesus is the only way to heaven. Quran teaches good Christians, Jews, Sabience will also go to heaven.

· Salvation is guaranteed in Christianity since Jesus died to save them. No guaranty for salvation in Islam.

· Do not kill is the teaching of Christianity as Jesus or His disciples did not kill anyone. Killing is allowed in Islam as Muhammad and his followers killed many.

· Salvation in Christianity is based on what God did through His Son Jesus who was punished for others sins. Salvation in Islam is based on human efforts.

· Christian Scripture teaches not to fight. Islamic scripture teaches to fight and Allah loves those who fight for Allah (Quran 61:4)

· Christian Scripture teaches God as Righteous. Islamic scripture teaches Allah as a Deceiver ( best of Deceivers - Quran 3:54, 8:30)

· There is no consequence if a Christian leaves faith (except hell). Will be killed if a Muslims leaves faith (No compulsion in religion is an abrogated verse).

· Christian Scripture does not change its message. Islamic scripture changes its message through what is called abrogation with a new message (Many times in Quran old revelations were replaced by new ones, Quranic messages were abrogated by Muhammad and such)

· Christian Scripture came through EIGHT different people. Islamic scripture came through just ONE person.

· Christianity teaches that only those whose name is not written in the Book of Life will be in hell. Islam teaches that even all Muslims will have to go to hell (Quran 19:71).

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11y ago
  • Both Judaism and Islam teach strict monotheism: that there is only one God.
  • Both believe in prophets, and share many of the same prophets, such as Moses.
  • Both trace their ancestry to Abraham
  • Both religions have strict dietary laws with many similarities, such as a prohibition against eating blood and certain species of animals.
  • Both religions teach the existence of angels and a Satan (though Jewish views of Satan are vastly different than Muslim Views).
  • Both believe that God cannot father offspring with a human woman.
  • Both have a tradition of praying in the language of their ancestors.
  • Mosques and synagogues have the same 3 basic functions: house of study, house of prayer, and house of assembly.

General Differences

  • Orthodox Jewish law requires Jewish men (only) to pray 3 times a day, and 4 times on Shabbat and certain holidays. Islam requires all Muslims to pray 5 times a day.
  • Dietary laws are LESS strict for Muslims than they are for Jews, in the area of meats and food mixing.
  • Dietary laws are MORE strict for Muslims than they are for Jews, in the area of alcohol.

Specific Differences

Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet was born from the virgin Mary was born miraculously without a father by order of God to be born early evidence of his Prophethood and that he spoke and it was still a baby (though it does acknowledge that God cannot beget children Himself):

Holy Qura'an : [61:6]

And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he hath come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic.

Judaism does not recognize Jesus in any way.


Islam teaches that Muhammad was a prophet of God:


Say: Lo! As for me, my Lord hath guided me unto a straight path, a right religion, the community of Abraham, the upright, who was no idolater.


Say: Lo! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds.


He hath no partner. This am I commanded, and I am first of those who surrender (unto Him).



Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise (this revelation) as they recognise their sons. But lo! a party of them knowingly conceal the truth.


It is the Truth from thy Lord (O Muhammad), so be not thou of those who waver.



O People of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. now hath come unto you light from Allah and plain Scripture,


Whereby Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace. He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path.

Judaism does not recognize Muhammad in any way.


Islam teaches the existence of Heaven and Hell

views on the afterlife vary extensively in Judaism, and are generally not bound to religious doctrine or law.

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11y ago

The main differences are that Muslims have another revealed text called the Qur'an brought down by, according to them, the Greatest Person and Prophet in History, Mohammed. Judaism rejects both Mohammed's prophecy and the Qur'an as divinely written. Additionally, Muslims are explicitly told by the prophets in Islam and in the Qur'an that Jesus is the Messiah and a Prophet. As for the Jews, this belief is totally neglected and Jesus is seen in Judaism as a False Messiah.

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11y ago

There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. "Judeo-Christian Ethics" is used by many Christians as an adjective to give the longevity of the Jewish experience to buttress much of their religious ideology which they may or may not share with Jews. Judaism came into existence between 4000 and 3200 years ago with the Divine Revelations to Abraham and Moses and Christianity came into existence between 2000 and 1700 years ago when the Apostles of Jesus recognized his Divinity and Sacrifice for Humanity.

Some elements of Judeo-Christian ethics are the following:

  • The Law is divinely given and therefore people must bend to fit Divine precepts (as opposed to laws being malleable to human will).
  • Faith is given freely on account of love and hope.
  • The only or best way to know the truths of this world is through Divine Revelation. (It depends on the particular strain of Judaism or Christianity as to whether science is wholly excluded.)
  • Every man and woman must contribute to the growth and flourishing of the society in a spiritual, helpful, and honest way.
  • The greatest leader among men is the High Rabbi or High Priest, for he best knows the Divine.
  • People should be governed by trusted authorities (as opposed to anarchy or corrupt authorities)
  • War is undesirable, but may be necessary to protect value and virtue
  • Hope and Conviction are prudent for a successful and meaningful life.

Islam accords with all of the above values. It is in the specifics where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam diverge.

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11y ago

Main Similarities:

  • Monotheism: Worshiping same God as the one and only one God
  • Morals: calling for same morals as not cheating, not killing, not stealing, not doing fornication, taking care of orphans, .. etc
  • believing in Torah and God prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, ..., Joseph, Jacob, David, Solomon, ..., and Moses.

Main Differences:

  • Judaism don't believe in Jesus and Muhammad as God prophets. Islam do believe
  • Judaism don't believe in Quran as God holy book. Islam do believe
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They are people of the book, lineage of Ibrahim.

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What are the similarity between aim and objective?

what are the similarity between aim objective

What are some similarities between Hanukkah and Eucharist?

There is no similarity whatsoever between Hanukkah and Eucharist. Eucharist is a Christian rite/sacrament, and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the Maccabean War.

which of the following describes the key similarity between the traditional Chinese calendar in the Jewish calendar?

Both calendars are based on both the Sun's and the Moon's movements.

What is the largest religion in north America?


Are Jewish people at war with Islam?

No. Does that help?