

What are some statistics on secondhand smoke?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Here are some statistics on secondhand smoke from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Cancer Society:

  • Secondhand smoke contains 250 toxic chemicals, 50 of which can cause cancer
  • Secondhand smoke causes Heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults
  • Secondhand smoke can also cause sudden death syndrome (SIDS) and respiratory problems in children
  • More than 126 million people are exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, vehicles, workplaces, and public places
  • Almost 60% of children aged 3-11 are exposed to secondhand smoke
  • An estimated 45,000 people die from heart disease and an estimated 3,400 die from lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke
  • Between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in children under 18 months of age, and lung infections resulting in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations each year

See the related links below for more information.

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Wh about secondhand smoke is true?

There are 4,000 chemicals in secondhand smoke.

What damage does smoking do to your family?

it can kill them by breathing it in it is called Secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke can contain carbon monoxide and cionide. it is especially bad to smoke if you have family members who have asthma or are allergic to cigarette smoke or secondhand smoke.

How harmful is secondhand smoke to a baby?

Secondhand smoke is terrible for anyone, and even more so for a baby or young child. SIS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has ties to secondhand smoke. Asthma and allergy development have ties to exposure to secondhand smoke. As a baby's lungs are developing, exposure to the carcinogens in secondhand smoke can lead to serious health consequences.

What are types of environmental influences on your health?

Noise Pollution and Secondhand Smoke.

Who is most at risk from exposure to secondhand smoke?

Secondhand smokers.

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What is secondhand smoke?

second-hand smoke is where you breathe in smoke so its like smoking a second time.

Can you get second hand smoke from e-cigs?

Not really... it is possible to inhale secondhand vapors, but it's not the same as secondhand smoke from a cigarette.

What are exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined?

environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke)

In 1993 what did the US Environmental Protection Agency classified secondhand smoke as?

secondhand; carcinogen

Why some countries banned indoor smoking?

Secondhand smoke is smoke that has been exhaled, or breathed out, by the person smoking. Secondhand smoke harms children and adults, and the only way to fully protect nonsmokers is to eliminate smoking in all homes, work sites, and public places. There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure; even brief exposure can be harmful to health.

Is secondhand smoke dangerous a false statement about smoking?

Secondhand smoke causes great discomfort for many nonsmokers, making it hard for them to breathe.