

What are some tips on a ferret?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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10y ago

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Learn everything you can about ferrets through books and research. There is so much to learn about caring for ferrets

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What food do you give a hunting ferret?

Feed your ferret it's regular meal in the morning. When hunting take some treats and plenty of water for your ferret.

Where can you find patterns for ferret clothes?

Here are some link to sites for pet clothing - one is how to measure your ferret, the other two are for dog clothing, but you can adapt for ferret clothing.

What is a ferret kit?

A Ferret kit is a baby Ferret.

Why does the baby ferret clean the older ferret ears?

Some ferrets, especially female ferrets will clean other ferrets ears

How do I stop ferret from throwing litter out of box?

its possible there too much litter in the box my ferret did the same thing til i took out some of the litter or if its a younger ferret its possible he s just playing in it

What animal can a ferret be friends with?

It depends on the ferret and you must always supervise them when around other animals - cats, some dog breeds can be friends

What are some animal that begin with the letter Ef?

fox, ferret

What are some fun things you can do with your ferret and how do you leash train?

Just let your ferret run around the house! Make sure it is ferret-proofed though!! Get some toys for your ferret to play with, you can also get a companion for your ferret {make sure he/she is spayed/neutured}! Sounds like she is not used to the harness, start with just a wearing a collar around the house first, then try to harness, distract her or give treats to get her used to it before taking her outside.

Will eating ants hurt ferret?

No. They will not harm your ferret unless your ferret eats them.

Is Monique a ferret?

Monique is a ferret

What is the young of a ferret?

A young ferret or baby ferret is known as a kit.

Can a girl ferret have babies without a boy ferret?

No. The sperm from the male ferret is required to fertilise the egg / eggs of the female ferret