

What are some uses of air planes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are many uses of airplanes, primarily used to fly passengers from one destination to another. This is primarily used when a person wishes to travel overseas, as opposed to using a boat or underground rail system. Not only do planes transport people, but they can also be used to transport large goods across the globe. This is essential for any international business.

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How many Planes in the air at one time?

well what kinds of planes planes like x y or planes like air planes it depends at whattimes there are more planes in the air than at day . then there are two planes x and y. you can never know how many planes there are in the sky unless every air port was shut down. witch is nearly imposible because in order to shut all of them down there would havee to ba some kind of electic moufunction with the word and then nothing wuold work DC101