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Somone should have listened in Bio or Science class.

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Q: What are the 10 common household acids?
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What common household item is a base?

toothpaste and oven cleaners or other items that include ammonia in them to cancel out the acids :)

Household acids and alkalis?

households acids and alkalis is formic acid and syitric acid

Are most household products acids or alkalines?

Acids. And bases. Vetting from lemon juice to soap. Acids are sour. Bases are bitter and slippery.

What use could an acid or alkali have at home?

Acids and alkalis are commonly used in many homes. One of the most common household acids is vinegar (2-3% acetic acid), which is used in cooking and in light cleaning. A common alkali is ammonia, which is often used as a cleaning agent as well.

what are the names of the acids that are in household ammonia?

Ammonia (NH3) is not an acid, it is a base.

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The most common household emergency in Milwaukee, WI is choking. The second common household emergency is drownings and fires.

What are the names of 10 common acids?

Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, sulfurous acid, nitrous acid and hypochlorous acid are 10 acids.

What common household item has NaCl as its chemical formula?

a toaster is a common household item that has the chemical NaCI

What are some common household items that start with the letter r?

Common household items that begin with the letter r:radioraincoatrefrigeratorrevolverribbonringroberougeruler

What are common acids around us?

all acids around us

What is one thing that acids have in common?

All acids have hydronic ions.