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  • bohrium (Bh, 107) - Niels Bohr
  • curium (Cm, 96) - Pierre and Marie Curie
  • einsteinium (Es, 99) - Albert Einstein
  • fermium (Fm, 100) - Enrico Fermi
  • gallium (Ga, 31) - although named after Gallia (Latin for France), the discoverer of the metal Lecoq de Boisbaudran subtly attached an association with his name. Lecoq(rooster) in Latin is gallus.
  • lawrencium (Lr, 103) - Ernest Lawrence
  • meitnerium (Mt, 109) - Lise Meitner
  • mendelevium (Md, 101) - Dmitri Mendeleev
  • nobelium (No, 102) - Alfred Nobel
  • roentgenium (Rg, 111) - Wilhelm Roentgen
  • rutherfordium (Rf, 104) - Ernest Rutherford
  • seaborgium (Sg, 106) - Glenn T. Seaborg
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14y ago
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16y ago

-Fermium : it was named after nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi

-Einsteinium: it was named after Albert Einstein

-Mendelevium: it was named after Dimitri Mendeleev.

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11y ago

Lawrencium, Nobelium, Einsteinium, Mendelevium, Fermium and Bohrium.

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einstenium fermium mendelevium

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Q: What are the 6 elements that are named after famous scientists?
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What was Dalton's opinion the results of other scientists?

dalton's 6 postulates are- 1. all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms 2.atoms are indivisible particles thtical elemat cannot be divided 3.atoms of identical elements are equal in mass and chemical properties. 4.atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties. 5.atoms divide in the ratio of small whno.ole

How many groups are listed in the Periodic Table of Elements?

Meatals: 88 Semimeatals: 6 Nonmeatals: 18 Add: Groups 1 and 18 contain 7 elements. Groups 2, 13-16 contain 6 elements. Groups 3-12 contain 4 elements. Some periodic tables do not include all of the elements 113-118 as only a few atoms of each have been observed in the laboratory. Click on related links to see a periodic table with links to all of the elements.

What made Mendeleev's discovery of the elements so revolutionary?

He made the first ever periodic table, that was the revolutionary thing Mendeleev made.-----01/6/2012Mendeleev's discovery about elements were so revolutionary because he left gaps for undiscovered elements. He predicted the elements properties to get the empty spaces that would later be proven true (the prediction of the other undiscovered elements) in 1875 by a scientist.

How do scientists carry out the scientific method?

scientific method 1 observation 2 hypothesis 3 experiment 4 theory 5 prediction 6 law

Is there any particuar order that the elements are shown?

There is a very specific order called a Periodic Table. All elements are arranged based on the number of protons. Hydrogen is number 1, it has 1 proton. Carbon is number 6, it has 6 protons. These values are called the Atomic Number. The atomic number of the elements increases accross the Table from left to right. In addition the table groups the elements into types (Inert Gases, metals etc and shows elements with similar properties in columns of increasing Atomic Number (top to bottom). As a bonus the Table generally contains information on Atomic Weights, completed orbitals, isotopes and similar. The elements may also be listed alphabetically by name (Helium, Iron, Silver etc.) or symbol (He, Fe, Ag, etc.)

Related questions

How many elements are in the periodic tables?

112 elements have been named and additional 6 elements have been tentatively proposed.

How many elements are found in the periodic table of elements?

There are a total of 118 elements known to exist on the periodic table.

What is Michael jordans famous for?

He is famous for playing Baseball and Basketball, although, he was more better at basketball. He came up with the famous dunk called Air Jordan, was named the 1991 NBA MVP, and has won 6 NBA titles.

Where do scientists believe chmical evolution occurred?

The higher elements are forged in the center of stars. Most stars can create up to about element 6-8 on the periodic table, but any elements higher than that require a super nova.

How many elements are in periods 6?

there are 32 elements in period 6.

What are the 5 key components of culture?

The 6 elements of culture are; communication, technology, social organizations, geography, beliefs and customs, famous people and places.

How many elements in 8 sets having 6 elements in each?

8 sets of 6 elements would have 96 elements (8X6=96)

How many elements are in alkaline earth?

there are 6 elements

How many elements are in the sample space of rolling one die?

There are 6 elements; 1,2,3,4,5,&6.

How many elements are in the set ABC 1 3 6?

There are four elements: ABC, 1, 3 and 6.

How many elements did Sir William Ramsay find?

6 elements

What are the release dates for Sojourn to the Elements - 2013 2-6?

Sojourn to the Elements - 2013 2-6 was released on: USA: 6 February 2014