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Head, Thorax, and Abdomen

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Q: What are the 3 regions of an insect body?
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What are the three regions of an insect body and their respective locations?

Abdomen, head, and thorax are the three regions of an insect's body. In terms of their respective locations, the head comes first, with the abdomen following, and the the thorax at the end.

How many body sections does a stick insect have?

a stick insect has 3 body parts. The head, the abdaman and the legs. But it has to have more than 3 legs to be a insect.

What do every insect have?

3 body sections distiguishes an insect. The head, Thorax, and Abdomen.

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What animal has 3 body section and 4 legs?


How many body parts an insect has?

it has 15 or 3 or 12

What is the difference between insets and arachnids?

Body parts: Arachnid: 2 Insect: 3 Pairs of Legs: Arachnid: 4 Insect: 3 Antennae: Arachnid: none Insect: 2 Wings: Arachnid: none Insect: 2-3 pair

What is that insect?

An insect is an animalia group under arthropoda with 3 pairs of legs, a pair of antennae, and a segmented body.

What 3 things make an insect?

6 legs 3 body segments exoskeleton

Is the grasshopper segmented throughout or is segmentation more apparent in certain regions of the body?

Grasshoppers have a typical insect form of segmentation. Their bodies have 3 main sections, the head, thorax, and abdomen (aside from having 6 legs).

What insect has 6 legs and it stings?

A bug that has 3 body parts and 6 legs and antennae is called an insect. The insect you're talking about with a striped lower Body Part is probably a bee, or a wasp.

How do you determine if an animal is an insect?

They all have 6 legs & 3 body sections.