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Step 1: Nitrogen-fixation

Atmospheric: Happens when Nitrogen (N2) is oxidized at high temperatures (by lightning, in internal combustion engines) to make nitrite (NO2). This can combine with water to form nitric acid (H2NO3), which is deposited on earth through rainfall.

Biological: Done by bacteria which can convert N2 into ammonia (NH3) if an energy source is present. Some get this energy by directly absorbing sunlight (blue-green algae) or by living in the roots of plants (legumes, alder trees), who provide them with food (Rhizobium, Azospirillium).

Step 2: Conversion to Ammonia. As amino acids and nucleic acids require N in the form of Ammonia, if nitrate (NO3) present, it must be converted to NH3. This is done through Nitrate reductase enzymes.

Step 3: Biological Use. Ammonia is incorporated into proteins, nucleic acids

Step 4: When organism dies, ammonia is relased back into the biosphere through the process of Ammonification, in which water is added to proteins to make carbon dioxide and ammonia. This process happens during digestion, and is also done by bacterial and fungal decomposers.

Step 5: If ammonia released into oxygen rich (anerobic) soil, other bacteria can convert it into nitrite or nitrate through the process of Nitrification:

NH4+ + 2O2 = NO3- + H2O + 2H.

This is a problem, as it gives the molecule which contains Nitrogen a negative charge, which repels it from soil particles, causing it to be easily leached into streams and groundwater.

Step 6: If soils remain anerobic, another group of poop will convert it back into inert, atmospheric N2 through the process of Denitrification. In this process, bacteria use nitrate as an Oxygen source for respiration: C6H12O6 + 4NO3- = 6CO2 + 6H2O + 2N2


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13y ago

nitrogen fixation,denitrification.nitrification.amonification

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what are the main steps in the nitrogen cycle?

A.) nitrogen moves from the air to the soil, then into living things, and back into the air

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