

What are the 5c's?

Updated: 2/3/2022
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Company, Collaborators, Customers, Competitors, and Context.

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Q: What are the 5c's?
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What are the 5Cs of credit?

5 C's of Credit refer to the factors that lenders of money evaluate to determine credit worthiness of a borrower. They are the following: 1. Borrower's CHARACTER 2. Borrower's CAPACITY to repay the loan 3. COLLATERAL or security/guarantee for the obligation 4. Borrower's CAPITAL (business networth) or downpayment for the loan 5. Present and anticipated CONDITIONS of the borrower, collateral, business, and the industry or economy in general

Which iPhone 5 black or white?

it depends if you get the white which cost $300 the back is white which s for girls and the black cost $200 and the back of it is black the iphone is in the apple store by the way dont get the black one mine dropped and know the screen is blinking.