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La Luna mezzo 'o mare (English)

and the moon is in the middle of the sea:

oh my mother i must get married --

oh my daughter who will we get?

My mother i leave it up to you.


if i get you the butcher

he will come and he will go,

but he'll always hold the sausage in his hands...

If he gets a bright idea

he'll sausage you oh my daughter.


if i get you the fisherman

he will come and he will go,

but he'll always hold the fish in his hands...

If he gets a bright idea

he'll fish you oh my daughter.


if i get you the shoemaker

he will come and he will go,

but he'll always hold the shoe in his hands...

If he gets a bright idea

he'll shoe you oh my daughter.


if i get you the garden man

he will come and he will go,

but he'll always hold the cucumber in his hands...

If he gets a bright idea

he'll cucumber you oh my daughter.

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Crescent moon in the sea

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Mezzo Americano would be middle American in Italian.

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"Towns in the middle of forests" in English means città nel mezzo delle foreste in Italian.

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The letters mf on an Italian violin refer to mezzo forte, an Italian musical term for "medium loud."

What is 'medium loud' when translated from English to Italian?

Mezzo-forte is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "medium loud." The phrase translates literally as "half-strong" in English. The pronunciation will be "MED-dzo-FOR-tey" in Pisan Italian.

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Mezza mezza in the feminine and mezzo mezzo in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "half and half." Context makes clear which form suits even though the second example tends to be selected when in doubt. The respective pronunciations will be "MED-dza MED-dza" in the feminine and "MED-dzo MED-dzo" in the masculine in Italian.

What are the Italian words for moderately loud?

Mezzo forte e mezzo piano is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "moderately loud and moderately quiet." The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "half strong and half soft" in English. The pronunciation will be "MED-dzo FOR-tey MED-dzo PYA-no" in Pisan Italian.

Where did the phrase metza metz come from?

From Italian mezzo mezzo half and half.

What language is mezzo forte?


What is the English translation of the Italian phrase 'piatti di mezzo'?

"Entrées" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase piatti di mezzo.Specifically, the masculine noun piatti literally is "plates". The preposition di means "of". The masculine noun mezzo translates as "half, middle, midway".The pronunciation will be "PYAT-tee dee MED-dzo" in Italian.

What is the English word for mezzo?

mezzo = medium or middle

What is Mezzo?

There are several references to the word mezzo. There is a musical term with the name mezzo forte and means dynamics. Mezzo Buttress is a glacier which is located in Antarctica. The Italian word mezzo means middle or half.