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The adavantage of using GDP is it shows how much you have grown capared to the nations around you. The bad thing is that it does not show the inflation. With GDP you can not compare a country from year to year. But there is a solution. Use Real GDP, this uses a fixed price, and it shows how much you are really producing from one year to anouther.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using GDP over GNP?
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What are the advantages to using GDP?

The advantages of using GDP include the measurement of total domestic consumption. Total domestic investment expenditures and net exports are also clearly measured with the use of GDP.

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The advantages of using GDP as a measure of productivity and economic health is that GDP is universal and can be used to measure an economy's growth or decline. The disadvantage of using GDP as a measure of productivity and economic health is that it does not effectively measure the quality of products.

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It fails to account for foreign earnings- thus resulting in a false perception of the development gap. This is because wealthier countries have a larger proportion of their wealth produced abroad therefore, without this, their GDP seems more similar to that of a lower income country compared to the reality.

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The real GDP is influenced by inflation.

Is real GDP the same as GDP?

The main difference is that Real GDP accounts for inflation and is calculated using Nominal GDP. It is useful when trying to compare GDPs froms different times.

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