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Alzheimer's Disease has many symptoms. Some of the early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease include challenges in planning or problem solving, memory loss that effects daily life, confusion with times and places, and problems with speaking or writing words.

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Q: What are the beginning signs of Alzheimer's?
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What are dementia signs?

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The beginning signs include: * Nausea. * Upset stomach. * Intestinal gas. * Loose bowel movement.

Is there an alzheimers care center in Augusta?

There are several alzheimers care centers in Augusta. They offer complete services to care for alzheimers patients, with good reviews from family and friends.

What kind of behavior do people with Alzheimers disease have?

People with alzheimers forget peoples names, where they are, and what they are doing.

Where can i get more information about Alzheimers disease?

You can check out the Alzheimers Association for information or talk with your Grandmothers doctor. Alzheimers Association would have a check list of questions that you can use to talk with her doctor.

What are some symptoms of dreaded alzheimers disease?

There are a few major signs of Alzheimer disease, you should seek help if you are experiencing them. some of them include dissorentation, memory loss, forgetting normal things.