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It seems that Filipinos are more sentimental than practical. Their lack of discipline, ignorance of contraception, inability to decide for themselves and "bahala na"attitude have contributed to the overpopulation in the country.

The facts are clear and the solutions are simple. Lowering the Birth Rate means free distribution of contraception to everyone, family planning education and encourgaing households to think for themselves and not to listen to teachings or Propaganda such as the church.

Its bad enough that the poor make more children simply because they have no access to family planning methods or their ignorance thereof making the cycle of poverty continuous and unending. Added to this dilemma is the outflux of professionals from the country in search of greener pastures.

Politically the country is in turmoil. The Church is a "wolf in sheep's clothing".

If the country remains in this state for a longer period, the infrastructure will soon not be able to cope speeding up the decay of urban areas, degradation of the environment, societal chaos and increased criminality.

The country will then become the next Haiti.

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14y ago
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15y ago

The biggest cause of overpopulation in the Philippines is the lack of education. People there don't have the knowledge on how to use a contraceptives. The big and powerful Roman Catholic Church (which basically controls the country) disapproves of any form of sexual education and birth contraceptives. This explains the lack of sexual education and the government constant refusal to provide free Birth Control for it's citizens. The biggest cause of overpopulation in the Philippines is the lack of education. People there don't have the knowledge on how to use a contraceptives. The big and powerful Roman Catholic Church (which basically controls the country) disapproves of any form of sexual education and birth contraceptives. This explains the lack of sexual education and the government constant refusal to provide free birth control for it's citizens.

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9y ago

A disadvantage to population growth in the Philippines is that resources will become harder to find. Jobs and housing will also become scarce

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11y ago

it causes poverty.

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The population growth rate in the Philippines is mostly cultural. Being a highly catholic country, there is a strong religious belief against birth control.

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there are much disadvantages of economic growth and we can't cover here so,inflation,intergovernmental destruction, traffic congestion and population increase.

Latest population growth rate of the Philippines?

According to Philippine National Statistics, the growth rate slightly slowed from 2.34 percent to 1.89 percent. The estimated population of the Philippines this year (January 2,2014) is 98,909,981.

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by family planning

New survey about expectancy population growth in Philippines?

I think 60-70